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"What are you?"

"Are you crazy?" He asks as he creased his eyebrows. "Are you trying to get yourself killed?"

"Answer me," I insisted. "What are you?"

He lets go of me and distanced himself a little. "Trust me, honey, you don't want to know," he smirks. He's about to go but I ask again.

"Why do you keep on saving me?"

He turns around and stares at me. "Can't you just say thank you?" I heard irritation in his voice.

"T-thank you," I stammered. "Now answer me."

"You're not gonna let this pass, aren't you?" he laughs. I continuously shake my head no. "Sorry to disappoint you honey but I won't say anything." He said and just like that, he's gone again.


I threw my bag on the floor and immediately searched for my laptop. When I found it, I immediately turn it on and sat on my bed with the laptop on my lap.

"Golden brown eyes and fast as lightning," murmur as I type it out in Google. Images of DC character Flash popped out of the screen. The hell! I think of other traits of Myungsoo which I have noticed so far.

"Pale white skin, golden brown eyes and as fast as a lightning," I murmur once again as I type it out. Random searches appeared but something caught my attention. I immediately clicked it and an article popped out.

Immortals. Are they real? The article says. Multiple common immortals appear on my screen but one from them immediately caught my eye. When I saw the words pale skin and fast reflexes, I immediately clicked the link.

They have enhanced physical senses such as vision, hearing, smell, touch and taste. Most often they have excellent night vision but also they can frequently see details in things that others cannot commonly see. Their hearing is enhanced in much the same way allowing them to hear what others would consider a whisper or a buzz from electronic devices.

They are faster and stronger than average people with comparable exercise regimens and health. They are much stronger than they look. They tend to build muscle tissue faster, and the tissue they build is stronger, more resistant to damage, and more efficient. Their wounds heal very quick.

They have quicker reflexes and greater agility than most people. Their muscles generally respond more quickly and controllably than an average person's. The most common example of their quicker reflexes is their natural ability to catch an object that is falling off a table, often before other people even realize that it was about to fall.

These traits are from....a vampire!

My hands tremble as I read the article. This are the precise characteristics of Myungsoo. Does this mean that he's... a vampire?!

It's impossible! Those kinds of creatures do not exist. They are just part of imaginations of humans. Us humans.

I don't need you to treat me in the cafeteria. I don't eat human food anyway. I remember him saying that to me. I imagine him sucking my blood and it made me shiver.

My phone rings which made me jump and my laptop fell on the carpeted floor. I search for my phone in my bag with my still trembling hands. I answer it even though it is unregistered number.

"Hi, Minji! It's me, Mika," the person beamed on the other line.

"H-hey," I said, trying to compose myself. "Where did you get my number?"

"Saw it on your school records while I was helping the school council fix them a while ago," she cheerfully said. "Are you okay? You don't sound fine."

"Y-yeah, I'm fine," I clear my throat. "So, why did you call?"

"Just want to invite you to our house tomorrow. My brother and I decided to throw a little party to celebrate our birthday. Few of our schoolmates will come and I hope you could come too," she sweetly said. Imagining myself going to a party with a lot of people makes me feel dizzy. Attending parties are not my thing. I was about to decline the invitation when she spoke again.

"Please," she sweetly said. I heaved a sigh and answer her.

"Okay. But I won't assure you that I will stay until late night. I still have to study for my major subjects," I reasoned out. I heard her sigh on the other line.


"I'm really sorry," I apologize.

"It's totally fine," she chuckled and that made me feel relieved.

"Anyway, happy birthday my friend," I cheerfully said and she thanked me. She's about to end the call but I catch her attention again.

"Can I ask you something?" I hesitantly said.

"Sure. What is it?"

"It's... uhm... about Myungsoo," I slowly said and I heard her gasp.

"Oh my gosh! Don't tell me you are falling for that jerk?!"

"What? No! I just wanted to ask if you noticed something unusual about him," I continuously said.

"Unusual? Well..." she paused for a while like she's thinking of something. "Well he always doesn't want to go on dates every night. Oh yeah, I remember! He's always absent whenever the weather is fine. You know, if there is no rain."

Oh my God! I don't want to think that he really is one of those what I've read. I don't want to be childish for thinking of those stuff. But the traits that he has! And what I witnessed a while ago says it all! If he really is, then there is only one way to find out.

"Why are you asking?" Mika asks on the other line.

"Oh, nothing. I just find that person really weird," I said.

"Minji, advice from a real friend, stay away from him. He really is a dangerous man," she said. I know that he is. What Mika means about dangerous is that he might break my heart. Well, I have no plans to be in a relationship with him. But the dangerous that I know is different. Way deeper.

He's dangerous.

He's a vampire!

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