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"Babe, what's wrong?" Myungsoo asks. We are now walking to our lockers and he's going to drop me off my first class. "You keep on fiddling with your phone since you woke up."

"Aunt Isabelle hasn't replied to my messages since last night," I furrow my eyebrows as I'm typing another message to send to her. "I tried to call her but she's not answering too. I'm starting to get worried."

"Babe, calm down," he held my hand and that somehow made me feel relaxed. "The last time I checked Isabelle she's fine. She's living with her friend and she told me that you shouldn't worry about her. She even threatened to kill me if something happened to you," he chuckled which made me chuckle too.

I sighed. "I'm just not used to her not replying to my messages. I might be overreacting and maybe she's just hanging out with her friend," I smile at him.

"Tell you what," he squeezed my hands and smiles at me too. "Let's give her a visit after classes."

"Really?" I beamed and he nods his head. I jump at him and gave him a hug from too much happiness. Oh how I miss my aunt!

"Get a room, will ya?" I heard a male voice and I immediately pulled away from Myungsoo. I saw a man approaching our direction. I've never seen this guy around before.

"Go away, Woohyun," Myungsoo scowled.

"Ouch! What a way to say good morning to your cousin," he chuckles. Wait a second! Cousin?

"You two are cousins?" I asked Myungsoo but he remained silent. Giving the guy in front of us a deathly stare.

"Apparently, we are," the guy named Woohyun answered my question. "Name's Woohyun," he outstretched his hand to me and I accept it.

"Minji," I said.

"Do you happen to have a sister? I would really like to meet her someday," he playfully said, obviously flirting with me. "Myungsoo is so lucky to have a goddess like girlfriend like you," I blushed at his comment. He looks at Myungsoo. "You should be thankful cousin."

"Shut up, Woohyun," Myungsoo frowns. "And for the hundredth time, don't call me cousin." I actually am confused at how they act towards each other. Myungsoo seems to hate Woohyun while Woohyun seems so fond of Myungsoo. I find their relationship funny.

"Come on, cousin. When will you start showing your affections to me again?" He asks, obviously trying to annoy Myungsoo. I can't help not to smile.

"Whatever Woohyun," he scowls and held my hand. "Let's go," he told me.

"Bye, Woohyun. See you around," I waved my goodbye to him while Myungsoo and I starts to walk away from him. He smiles and waves back.

"I'll definitely see you around," he said. He puts his hand in his pocket and headed his own way with a smile still on his face.


I continuously tap my fingers on my book and glanced on the wall clock for like a hundred times now. I'm starting to get impatient. I'm very excited to see my aunt which makes me loose my focus with the lesson we're having.

When the professor says the lesson is done, I immediately stood up and grab my bag. I went out of the class and saw Myungsoo standing outside the classroom. Girls are giggling whenever he smiles at them.

When I got close to Myungsoo, he immediately grabs my bag and gave me a quick kiss on my lips which taken me aback. I was not expecting that he'll show affection towards me while others are staring. A part of me was shy at what he did but a very big part of me liked it. It's like he's telling them that he's taken.

I heard a girl scoffed and looked at me from head to toe then back like she's having a doubt that I'm Myungsoo's girlfriend. I got insulted with what the girl did but when Myungsoo held my hand, the anger inside me faded.

"Let's go," he smiles and I nodded.

We are now at the parking lot, walking our way to Myungsoo's car. "Seems like they cannot accept the fact that you already have a girlfriend," I suddenly blurted out of nowhere as we hop inside the car.

"Am I hearing it right? Is my girlfriend jealous right now?" He smirks as he faced me.

"I'm just stating the fact. You are very popular at school...especially with girls," I shrug. I actually have no idea what is this I'm feeling right now. Maybe I'm really jealous or maybe I'm just insecure. I'm insecure with the fact that this perfect man in front of me chose a simple girl like me.

"You know what?" He leans closer and cup my cheek. "I don't give a damn about anyone. You're the only one Minji. The only one who can make me go crazy. The only one who I want to stay by my side. The only one who I will love," he sincerely said.

I giggle at those words. "You always make me feel that I'm special."

"And I won't get tired making you feel that you're special," he leans closer and made our foreheads touch. "I love you."

I close my eyes and I felt his lips brush against mine. "If ever there will be a guy making a move on you, I will never hesitate to snap his neck."

I gasp at what he said. "You are so brutal!" I exclaimed and I heard him laugh. He starts the car. "You can't be serious."

"I'm just kidding, babe," the car moves. "But it depends on the situation." I slap his arm but he caught it and kissed it. "Let's go visit Isabelle." I nod my head yes and we hit the road with our hands intertwined.


My aunt's friend said that my aunt went to our house to get something. She said that she's been talking to someone over the phone for the last three days and she needs to go back home to find something. Who could that person be? And what is she finding?

When we arrived at our house, I saw aunt's car. We went through the door leading into the kitchen.

"Auntie?" I called. "I'm home." No response. I look at Myungsoo and I saw him frowning.

"Something's wrong," he whispered. With that sentence, I immediately went up to her room, calling her name in the process.

"Minji, wait!" Myungsoo called me and before he could stop me, I got inside my aunt's room. I shriek in horror as I saw my aunt being gripped by a man I'm sure I already saw before. The man held a tight fistful of my aunt's hair and his other hand is clamped around her throat. My aunt's eyes were wide with terror and pain.

"Right on time, Song Minji," a scary smile crept up his face and I froze at where I am standing.

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