2.Reader Participation

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After about 27. 67 minutes of deep thinking (tried to be a little accurate) I came to the best possible reader participation. Oh and yes its technically the third one but I didn't want to previous one as everyone didn't participate. It seemed a bit off compared to the bombarding question session on the first one.

This book is all about writing letters to youthe readers. Now that Blossom has finished with her story, how about you people write some! To whom did you ask? Answer is anyone under the sun!!  Yes, you can write a message back to Blossom stating how you felt about this whole thing, or any other character of the book or even tag a friend on wattpad sharing something. You can write to me as well if you want to ask anything or share anything. I'll be happy beyond imagination.

I have er Blossom has written about 45 letters to you people! 45!!! Now its our time to sit back on the comfy couch, munch on wafers and read letters from you guys. Readers can read letters of others but no writing letters to a character of any other book. Its all about you guys and the book. So third parties are not allowed in.

I can visualise some big smiles on your faces right now. So wasting no morestart writing letters on the comment section and make a memory and share the warmth and closeness among yourselves. Don't let any negative feeling get in the way of these lettersAs I always say, this book belongs to every single one of you who love it with all your heart. That's why we are a family. We always will be.

For the last time, the only rule lies that everyone participates. I'm super uber excited to see you guys write letters. Hope you guys enjoy this session.

My final note will be updated in a few days with all doubts cleared and everything. I might be able to pull of another surprise for you guys, so stay tuned.


letters to you | completed. Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin