Letter 43

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Dedicated to ItIsShriya and blowKiss_chick_  for making my day with your votes and private messages. It melts my heart to hear that you people enjoy my book. Welcome to the family!

#Vegas, we_are_coming.

"Maybe there's something you're afraid to say,
Someone you're afraid to love,
Or somewhere you're afraid to go.
You'll get hurt. You'll get hurt
Because it matters. "--John Green.

We companied George and Jamie to the airport for they had a flight to catch. After endless hugs and promises to call each other, it was finally time to part. With heavy hearts, we wished them good luck for their life.

Waving them goodbye we boarded on a bus. It was stuffed with people of all ages and all sizes. I scooted in with Dexter behind me almost hanging out of the bus.

"Excuse me, coming through! " Dexter called out before a young rugged guy made room for us. I smiled back at him for their generosity ignoring the pair of eyes going down to my dress and again moving back up.

Kid. I thought.

By the time I realised Dexter had gone a little farther away from me, I realised I couldn't call him or go to him. He tried looking back making sure I was okay and I smiled back. He need not be troubled for such a minor issue.

Meanwhile the bus swayed and I held my bag tightly across my chest, I heard him whistling and laughing under his breath.

"What a figure man.. "

I felt disgusted and prayed to reach home as soon as possible. I tried getting a grip on the bars above our heads only to find an arm sliding against my arm back to my shoulder.

Dexter was standing his back to me away at a distance. I reached out to knock him at his shoulder and ask me to pull me with me. Not aware of his guts, the guy caught my hand and placed my hand on his shoulder.

"There there,  you can hold me. I won't mind sweetheart. " He laughed and that is when I smelt alcohol on their breath. I strived to let go but he pulled me closer, so quick and sudden, no one noticed. I was guarded by him lest anyone should see this nuisance. And those who did mistook us as a couple and warmly smiled at us.

"You're not saying anything.. That means you're into me, right? Wow I'm one lucky dick head man." The guy with the piercing on his lips smirked.

I was terrified of his moves, of their snide comments,  of their cheap tricks. I closed my eyes and prayed to God. Tears threatened to spill and my heart raced a thousand beats. I was unable to call Dex or anyone for help. Cursed myself to speak up.

Something in me reminded to stand up. Stand up against these kinds of rogue and prove girls are not weak. And that a girl's silence is not her approval to this disrespect. Its not her weakness.

Could I fight for myself?

With a deep breath, I smiled and tucked on the hair behind my ear. Looked at that hooligan smiling back at me. There, distract him.

He rubbed the back of his, neck and confessed, "I'm too good for you, aren't I? "

Oh boy, you can't imagine.

Slowly with grace I ran my finger down his shirt while he mentally praised his manhood. He smirked and closing his eyes said, "Now, we're talking. "

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