5.Dexter's Point Of View

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Dedicated to bohemiangeek and nupur-rathore55 coz you two are those two crazy readers who would vote my book to the way to moon and back!


Author's note: Guys, it breaks my heart to say that this is the last Dexter's point of view.. We've loved him way too much for the way he acts and the way he is and I am sure in this last chapter of his, he'd continue making us fall for him even more.


Hurriedly, I turned back and ran towards the exit. There was a thick crowd gathered, people rumbling, speaking about the competition. But I made my way through the crowd, praying I wasn't too late.

There were people everywhere. Participants, hosts,staff, audience, I doubted if so many people existed in our entire universe. Getting hold of the person you're chasing in this mess seems easy in a James Bond movie, but in reality, its not.

I didn't get a chance to explain to Blossom why I left so suddenly. It was a big day for her and all I want to do is sit with her holding her hands and telling everything will be okay. She has been working too hard for this and I curse myself from going away from her now. Now, that she needs me most.

But what's another one hour of separation after the five years of my life with her? Five years of love and a thousand unspoken feelings between us. Five years and the life ahead of us.

Then again I thought maybe she'd understand me. As she looked at me with her dark brown eyes, which peeped with curiosity and looked a bit hurt, maybe they understood that I'll never do this if this wasn't necessary. Coz our love never needed words.

"Excuse me guys, coming through." I announced before pushing my hands through the crowd ahead of me to make way. Damn, this is going to be a hell of a programme.

Blossom must be nervous as hell.

I'll come back soon, I promise love.

Making a mental note of it, I kept searching for the exit and stumbled upon a figure.

"Dude, its so good to see you!!" Said the figure, smiling with his dimples prominent.


"Hey there Tristan." I said my eyes still scanning the crowd for him. I must not lose him. This could be my last chance to make things right.

"So you guys are finally here right? How's Blossom?" He said while patting my shoulder.

"Ugh yeah she's good. Hey listen, I'm in a rush actually..I'll talk to you when I'm back. Go meet Blossom, she's in the E block on the right." I managed to huff before waving a hand back at him and looking among the crowd. Did I lose him already?

"Now? Its almost time for the show, do you think you'll be able to make it?" He enquired.

Everything faded for the moment. I turned to him and calmly said, "Dude its Blossom. I'll be there. " He nodded and smiled. With that I turned back. Shit, I'm late.

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