Trying To Confess But Failing - Gumball

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The two of you were playing video games, having fun, but Gumball was arguing with himself in this head.

Just tell her!

No! What if she rejects me?? And laughs at me?

Would she ever do that? No, she would not. Now, just tell her, I think she'll accept.


Dont know until you try!

You were really into the game, tongue stuck out of the corner of your mouth, as your fingers smashed against the controller with determination. The one thing you didn't notice was that Gumball looked at you the entire time, ignoring his controller. "Uh, dude, the game?" You said with impatience, "Hello? It's the final boss battle! We're trying to win here!" Pausing the game, you looked at Gumball in confusion, and noticed he zoned out. Groaning, you waved your hands frantically in front of Gumball's face, and he zapped back into reality. "Finally! You're back. Let's continue the game shall we?" You handed him his controller, and he hesitantly took it. Within minutes, you and Gumball were playing the game, having fun. Or so you thought. "Uh.. (Y/N)? What happens when you like someone a lot, and you think of them a lot, and whenever they laugh they send your stomach churning in knots?" He asked, a little worry in his voice. You laughed slightly at his question, and responded while you played. "It's called a crush Gumball. And it looks like you caught it," You paused a game a second time, and looked at him, "So, who's the lucky person?" You smirked, and he choked on his words, embarrassed.

"It's okay Gumball. You dont have to tell." You mumbled, a little hurt. You kinda liked Gumball, but it was his choice. Slowly, he scooted next to you on the couch, and grabbed your chin, making you look at him. "I want to, but it's hard to." You smiled nervously, and your breath was hitched. He started to lean in, making you do the same. You closed your eyes nervously, waiting for his lips to reach yours. Inches away, you two heard the door open, and pulled away in a snap, faces a crimson hue.

"No, sausage pens could potentially be the president." Richard chirped, sausage in hand. Nicole, Anias, Darwin, and Richard were arguing but stopped when they saw your red faces. "What happened here? Did we interrupt anything?" Nicole asked, confusion in her voice. Gumball said incoherent things and you looked at the floor, not meeting anyone's eyes.

"I.. I have to go. My oven is.. is calling. Sobyethen!" You mumbled and bustled out the door, a complete mess.

WELL THIS WAS CRINGEY. but oh well hoped you enjoyed ^_^

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