Chapter 27: Wrap it up

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The elevator is still stuck but Vinny and I don't mind anymore. It's only been an hour and we've mostly just been, well making up for lost time.

Vinny hisses in pain, "Ow, Ollie be careful I'm sensitive there."

I smile, "Shut up you big baby. Watch your going to end up loving it." I continue to work my hands, "It's gotten longer hasn't it?"

I feel him nod slightly, "Yeah I've been too lazy to go to the barbershop lately. There really wasn't a need to."

I nod understanding his reasons and continue to braid his hair. It's a small braid because despite his hair being longer it still didn't go past his eyes. It was just a small fishbraid going from front to back.

"There, all done." I take a picture of my work before he has the chance to mess it up and send it to Andy.

I move from behind him and use my knees to travel in front of him. We've given up on standing and have taken a liking to the floor. I sit down criss-cross apple sauced and extended my hand to show him the picture.

He shakes his head,"... your lucky I love you."

There he goes with the "L" word again.

"Aren't I?" I scoot closer and rest my head on his chest, "Just out of curiosity and not insecurity at all, what do you love about me?"

He takes his hands and intertwines them with mine, "That's not exactly a short list, princess."

"Tell me anyways."

He sighs and runs circles on the back of my hand, "I love when you laugh so hard you snort. When you smile, the stars should envy your eyes. I love your voice when you sing and the passion you put behind each word. And when you get scared as you turn off the lights at night and run into the closest room with a light on. God when we kiss, the hair on my neck stands up and any air in my lungs is gone. How you only look at me even when there are hundreds of other guys. And when you get mad, your eyebrows scrunch up and your lip pouts without you noticing, I just want to bite it. I love watching you with little kids because I think about how great you'll be with ours."

I sit up straight and look at him. He avoids my eyes, "Sorry I-I didn't mean to like assume y-you wanted kids or you know uh make that decision for you or something.."

I lose the fake seriousness and laugh as I shake my head, "Aww no baby that was adorable, don't apologize!"

I look at him and smile and my mind wonders to what it would be like. Waking up in the morning next to Vinny everyday. Fish eating whatever the little one drops from their high chair. Spending Saturday mornings sitting on the sofa with our kids watching their father sing to theme songs. Having taco nights and family game days. My son and I against Vinny and daddy's little girl.

I could've been day dreaming of a future with Vinny for hours. I was so lost in thought I almost forgot that I hadn't said anything for the past, I don't know five minutes?

"Uh now I've just made it awkward."

I practically shake my head to snap back to reality, "No no, I'm serious, it's fine. I like the idea of having little Vinny's running around."

"Really?" He look at the floor and chuckles, "They would most likely be mama's boys anyways."

I roll my eyes, "Oh like your not going to turn our daughter into the biggest daddy's girl?"

He scoffs, "Of course I will. I'm going to spoil my little princess or princesses rotten."

He looks at me and I pout, "I thought I was your princess."

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