Chapter 16: So Your A California Girl?

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"Aw that sounds so romantic, Liv!"

"It was, and I was not expecting it at all. I had paint all over my hands and clothes but it was totally worth it." I started blushing thinking about how sweet Vinny is.

"You lucky little bitch that sounds so fun. I'm so happy for you."

"I'm happy for you too. Nicholas is a great guy. With one minor flaw but he'll learn to love Disney. Its so weird, we have offical boyfriends now. At the same time. That's never like happened." It's so weird saying boyfriend, for a while I was thinking of just labeling him a Flirt Friend or something.

I still can't believe me and Vinny are official.

I wonder if Nessa would approve. What if he was a total different person when she was around and the Vinny I know is different.

"Ugh I hate being confined to my bed. My legs work fine, I should be able to get up and make a bowl of cereal in my own house." Andy has always been an independent soul. She takes after her mother, she's ambitious and has a strong voice despite her petite figure. Andy can be too stubborn for her own good. Yeah she'll say she can do something but that's only because you doubted her in the first place.

"I finally have a boyfriend and I can't even go out. The closest thing we've had to a movie date was watching On Demand movies in my living room, and he carried me down and up stairs. Oh and I have an awesome best friend that I wanna hang with too."

I rolled my eyes. "Hmm. So you say."

I got up from her bed and look through her collection of movies. "What should we watch next?"

"Oh let's watch Bridesmaids I haven't seen that in forever."
I nod in agreement and find it on the shelf.

We are the only people I know that still buy DVDs it's actually quite sad.

I pop it in and lay down next to Andy. Out of nowhere I hear a notification sound. I check my phone and see nothing. I look over at Andy and see her texting away. "Who is it?"


"Who texted you?" Andy looked from her phone to me, "Oh it was just my mom."

The look on her face said otherwise but I just let it go and continued to watch the movie.

"I'm hungry. You know what I'm really craving right now?" Andy looks into the distance as she asks.


"I'm in the mood for some funnel cake."

"That actually sounds really good but you can't just go to the store and buy funnel cake."

"I know of only one place where you can get some good good funnel cake at this time." I raise my eyebrows at Andy and ask "Where?"

"The Summer Festival."

"Well that sucks because we can't go."

"I can't go but that doesn't mean you can't." Andy gives me a hopeful look and sighs.

"Are you really insinuating that I go to the festival just to help satisfy your hankering for fried dough and sugar?" I wasn't even sure it was still open, it's not here for long usually a week and a few days and then poof it's gone.

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