Chapter 7: Who Are You?

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"Livy we're headed off to work!" My dad yelled from downstairs.

"Okay!" My voice sounding muffled because I was laying down.

I've been basically living in my room for a week. My parents keep asking me what's wrong but I say it's nothing.

But it's not nothing.

I've been ignoring all of Vinny's texts. I just can't talk to him right now. I've been so selfish these past few days.

He doesn't deserve that almost as much as I don't deserve to be happy.

I can't believe I let myself go out and have a good time, feeling so carefree but I should care. Both Nessa and Andy can't have enjoy life because of me.I should care that Nessa can never get older, have kids or get married. I took that away from her. I robbed her of a lifetime. I robbed Andy of a year, a whole year of her life. Do you know how many memories you can make in a year? The laughs, inside jokes, the people you can meet in a single year? Andy hasn't.

That's why I've been ignoring Vinny. (apart from my random action of kissing him) because I can't get any closer to him. If-No. Once Andy wakes up, she is going to need all the help she can get getting back on her feet. I can't afford any distractions no matter how cute.

I lost that privilege after the accident happened. Yet I am not so sure feeling sad is going to help either. With a goal set, I get up from my bed and head to my closet.

Today I'm going to visit Andy. I've tried this whole week but each time they're running another test. Apparently something changed, but they can't tell me anything because I'm not direct family. I even pulled the "She is my sister." line and teared up but they said they would only talk to our parents.

I'm gonna try again today and hopefully I can see her.


I walked through the hospital doors and headed to the front desk.

"Is Andrea Joseph allowed to have visitors today?"

"Yeah go ahead she's in room 109 in the second floor."

I go into the elevator and wait until I reach the second floor. When I get to Andy's room I quietly open the door. When I walk in she still looks the same. It's hard looking at her attached to all those tubes. I just wish I could I could talk and she would respond. I sit down next to the bed and hold her hand.

"Hey Andy I'm sorry I haven't visited you in awhile. I've tried but they said they were running tests on you. I'm really fucking scared Andy. I want you to get better."

I sit back and look around the room and see all the flowers and balloons. Everyone who knows Andy wants her to get better. She has such a bright future ahead of her. She deserves to live. I should be in that bed, not her.

I get up to look at the flowers and balloons. So many get well cards and bouquets with messages.I started reading a few.

Stay strong sweetie. Love, Aunt Jade

Get better soon, I miss you.
Love, Nicholas

Wait what? Who the hell is Nicholas. Cousin most likely. The message is attached to a bouquet of tangerine streams floribunda roses, Andy's favorite flowers. Of course Andy would pick a flower with the longest name. It has a long name but I love how it's multicolored.

Mental note: Side Mission is to find out who Nicholas is. I go sit back down and balance on the heels on the chair and look at Andy.

"I miss you so much Andy. Watch when you wake up we can stay home all day and eat while watching movies for a week. And school. Gosh how am I going to last Senior year without you? I don't like meeting new people. It's awkward. The house is hella quiet too. Mom and dad are never home as usual but it's just always silent. C'mon Andy I know you can do it, you got to. I lost Vanessa and I don't want to lose you too. You're like my other sister. My last sister. I just want you to know that I love you.. Your my best friend I need you." My eyes started getting a little watery looking at her.

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