Chapter 24: On the Keg

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~Vinny's P.O.V.~ Earlier that night

She probably hates me.

It's been eleven long ass days and she hasn't returned a single call nor text. I even tried going to her house but her father pointed his gun at me asking me to "Kindly take my black Mercedes back to hell with me locked inside."

I doubt he knows the full story, if he did I would have been leaving his driveway in either a bag or on a gurney. I am partially responsible for the death of his oldest and completely responsible for the heart ache of their youngest.

That is if she is even heart broken at all.

If what we had was as rare as it felt to me then I don't get why we should let it go. I get that I screwed up but fuck she didn't even hear me out! I couldn't even try to explain before she was rushing out of my house in tears.

I can still see the look on her face. I hate that I caused that. I hate how her eyes looked at me at that moment. Before that she only looked at me with love, even during small arguements she could say what she wanted but I knew she wouldn't leave. I knew we'd get past it. We always did, until that night.

I still hear her accusing words dripped in anger and laced with betrayal. How she spat that out at me in disgust completely unaware how as she did so I saw everything we built in our relationship crumble before me. Any trust was long gone. Any love was surely forgotten.

I didn't want her to find out this way. To be completely honest I'm not sure if I ever wanted her to find out at all.

I've been locked up in my room staring at a ceiling just going over the ways I could've stopped her from leaving. I could've told her before that night. But I didn't. I could've never texted Vanessa. But I did.

Now I'm sitting at home by myself while my parents are celebrating their wonderful love life in bora bora.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

I hear phone ring and quickly reach for it. I've been checking it non stop to see if Ollie has called or texted. Without looking at the screen I answer it.

"Hello," I greet breathlessly. Did she finally decide to call?

"Woah, you're alive?" I roll my eyes knowing exactly who it is.

"Ryan what the hell do you want?"

"You've been locked up in your room for more than a week, what do you think I want?"

"I'm not in the mood to go out anywhere."

Ryan sighs on the other line. "Fine how about me and Scott come over and we can play video games or something."

"Does my answer even matter?"

"Nope, we'll see you in 10." He hung up and I set my phone down. I know my friends well enough to know they're going to come whether I want them to or not. I guess I could use some guy time to distract me from the fact that I lost Ollie.

About 15 minutes pass and I finally hear the stomping coming from downstairs. Seconds later my bedroom door is busted open and my two best friends come barging in.

"Wow you look like shit."

I get up from my bed and flick Ryan off. "What no hi? I'm gonna take a shower you two can do whatever I guess." I walk over to my drawers and pick out a set of clothes before heading to the bathroom.

In the shower all I could think about was the day I found out Vanessa was in a car crash. It was the morning after and it was all over the news and I was getting phone calls from friends. It was so hard believing that I had just saw her. Just a bunch of friends hanging out without a care in the world.

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