Chapter 8

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Song of the day – Personal Jesus by Marilyn Manson




Chapter 8

Lizzy waited on the cold Wednesday afternoon for Juice to get back, she was amazed at how the weather could just change with a blink of an eye from sunny to stormy, but of course she loved the weather when it was raining heavily, not the weak dingy drizzle that escaped the darkened clouds spots, it was nearing and left the roads smelling of fresh water and nature, steam rising when the sun hit the damped 5pm and she knew that if she was going to be awake for Juice then she’d need to either drink her entire body weight in coffee or sleep for a few hours beforehand but her eyes couldn’t leave the window, watching the rain bounce off of the grass on her front lawn.
The one thing she did notice was the dry patch under the large willow tree and contemplated taking her lawn chair out and drawing, maybe she would?

Standing up she walked into the kitchen and opened the oven, taking out the small ‘meal-for-one’ lasagne and putting half onto a plate as well as some golden brown, crispy oven cook fries and picked her cutlery up, the plate sat on her forearm casually, a skill she had obtained at a previous job as a waitress when she was in college and held the cutlery with her hand, her can of cola burned into her skin with the freezing temperature, itching to put it down.
She looked at the food in hunger, her stomach growled after leaving it meal-less for the whole day but her throat disagreed, a lump in it that portrayed the feeling of sickness and made her think that she would vomit, she hadn’t eaten properly since the dreadful night but tonight she was going to try, her shaky hand lifted to her face, wiping it down before picking up the knife and fork and stabbing the fries, putting them lightly on her tongue, Lizzy managed to eat that and a little more.

She looked at her plate and sighed, it was almost half finished but she couldn’t bring herself to eat it, instead she stood up with her phone and cola and entered her spare room, it was still a little messy because she needed a new wardrobe but she managed to wander through the mess to her little desk and grab her drawing pad and picked her little pencil case up, something she had never managed to let go from her childhood, a small black one with cherries on it; It was nothing special but she just never threw it out.
After grabbing her utensils she wandered into the garage and retrieved her pull out lawn chair, almost like a deck chair and a woollen blanket and walked to her front door with her keys, she didn’t lock the door but kept them with her in case, opening it she stared out into the small, closed off street that barely anyone passed and watched the rain pour down heavily, stepping out under the small shelter above the door she slammed it shut and without any shoes sprinted towards the willow tree, getting a little wet in the process but she made it without any problems, she was excited for some unknown reason. She laid the chair out and put the coke by the chair, sitting down and putting the blanket on her legs and sitting down.

Lizzy looked up and into the tree, the rain didn’t hit her directly, it slipped onto the leaves and slid onto each and everyone before creating a mini waterfall around her creating a peaceful look, she could hear the rain around her but nothing could be seen so she picked her legs up and tucked them into the side of the chair with her, leaning against the tree with the chair and opening her notepad onto a back page.
She bent to the side and opened her cola, taking a drink and putting her phone and keys on the blanket on her knees whilst trying to open the pencil case with the other hand, eventually pulling a pencil out with a rubber on the end, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath before putting pen to paper.

She began to draw curled hair, imagining it to be as black as a raven’s wing with three thick roses in the right hand side of it, pulling it up and allowing a curtain to fall down past the shoulder she would soon draw, A headdress from what appeared to be from the 1940’s decorated her forehead, resting above perfected eyebrows, round and a little thick reaching into a thin line, she drew the eyelashes of her big blue eyes extremely long, her face bore patterns, circles and tear shapes surrounded by circles and swirls, she had spent two and a half hours drawing and the rain still hadn’t let up, instead Juice entered her mind, would she forgive him? Given the chance she’d make him explain, time flew by as she drew with Juice on her mind and with her lack of sleep she slowly began to close her eyes, listening to the sound of rain patting around her, no-one could see her nor could she see them, in fact she couldn’t see anything as her eyes closed and she was engulfed by darkness.

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