"How could Bokuto, someone so hyper as him, fall for someone this cold and plain?"

Kuroo was snapped out of his thoughts when Kenma poked his arm (he was just feeling his muscles tbh).

"Manager said that we can take a small break. Let's go"

They made their way to Bokuto's and Akaashi's table, bringing four cups of tea and some sweets with themselves.

"Ah, Kuroo, this is Akaashi Keiji, Akaashi - this is my best friend Kuroo Tetsurou" Bokuto said.

"I know.. Kenma told me about him" Akaashi took a quick look at Kenma who had his head down, probably blushing.

"Oh, well nice to meet you, I heard so much about you from Bokuto. He literally talks about you non-stop and he al---"
Kuroo was interupted when Bokuto pinched his arm.

"That's nice to hear" Akaashi smiled and Kuroo was sure that he heard Bokuto murmur "I'm going to melt" beside him.

The break went by fast and soon Kuroo and Kenma had to continue to work. Kuroo thought that if he knew Akaashi better, maybe then he would know why Bokuto loved him so much. But, he still found him blunt and cold.

On the other hand, Bokuto was the same. Kenma seemed plain, even too plain and boring. Not to mention, compared to Kuroo Kenma was little. Kenma seemed emotionless to him and he couldn't understand how someone as passionate as Kuroo could fall for him.

But love is love and there is nothing one can do about it.

Bokuto and Akaashi stayed in the cafe a little longer, before waving goodbye to Kenma and Kuroo, and simply leaving.


"Kuroo, don't space out"

Work finally ended and Kuroo was standing in the middle of the cafe, looking at the empty tables. Just half an hour ago it was full and now it was completely empty.

"Sorry, I'm just surprised, that's all"

They were ready to go, but Kuroo stopped him, saying that the manager was still inside. However, he wasn't. Kenma was used to this, but Kuroo it seemed like something extraterrestrial.

About half-way till Kuroo's home Kenma asked Kuroo something.

"Kuroo.. Why don't you talk to your father?"

Kenma didn't even know his father, so Kuroo's behaviour towards his father seemed ridiculous.

"A cheater.."


Kuroo's words threw Kenma off a little bit.
Kuroo stopped walking and looked up at the clear december sky.

"Come.." Kuroo took Kenma's hand and led him away from the main street.

"My father is a cheater. An unloyal bastard who used my mother"

"Do you want to talk about it?"

Kuroo had only told this to his Daichi, Oikawa and Bokuto, so telling Kenma this was nothing for him.

"When I was a 15, I skipped school once. I didn't really think much about it. My mom left for work, my father went out somewhere too. I thought I was safe until at about 11 AM I heard the front door unlock. I rushed to my parents room and hid in the closet (lol gay). It was when I saw my father and some woman together, they had sex right in front of me. Somehow, they didn't notice me, so when they finally left I ran to my room and called my mother. She thought that I hurt myself, because she couldn't understand what I was saying since I was crying. She rushed home from work and found me in my room, crying. I later explained to her what I saw.
I thought that she would throw that bastard out of the house and never let him in again. But he came back a year and a half later, and my mom gave him a second chance. I didn't, to me he was dead. My story is nothing compared to yours so--" Kuroo turned to Kenma, who was watching him with teary eyes.

"Jeez, you could have told me earlier, Kuroo"
Kenma hugged him tightly, Kuroo didn't even notice how tears started rolling down his cheeks, falling on Kenma's soft hair.

Kuroo opening up to Kenma meant a lot to him. Even if he seemed emotionless, he was truly a very emotional person, but only to those whom he trusted.


They came back home, later than they excepted, since Kuroo's mom was already asleep. His dad, on the other hand, waited for them, well for Kuroo.

From his eyes, Kuroo knew that he wanted to talk really bad. He gestured Kenma to go to his room and get ready for sleep.

Kenma did just that leaving those two alone.
He liked Kuroo's room, he liked his warmth, his scent, his bedhair and his big hands (yaoi hands baby).

He liked Kuroo.

Going back home to where his mother was, was something Kenma didn't even want to think about. He wanted to live here, with Kuroo.

He texted Sugawara, who has been worrying about him staying with Kuroo, since Kuroo seemed intimidating and he thought that he might try to do something to Kenma. But he reasured him that he was a kind man with a big heart.

What snapped him out of his thoughts was a loud sound in the living room where Kuroo and his father were, accompanied with someone's painful cry.

Hey. I'm leaving y'all on a cliffhanger cause why not.
Credit for the picture goes to the original artist


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