But, of course, I can't do that. She has her life to live, her career to work on and people she has to meet. With her workaholic attitude, I don't think she would want to stay in the house for more than a day without doing anything. 

I would want to take her with me wherever I go, but she has work to do, too. I just need to support her so she can succeed immediately and she would have more time to spend with me. Well, look who's talking. I feel guilty always running around the world for tours and promotions, not even knowing if she's really fine or not. 

"Food's here," Jackson shouts from the living room. 

"Mark, thanks. I missed you," she hugs me and kisses me on the lips. 

At this time, I know she's mine. 



Why didn't I take her to the hospital? I don't know, too myself. Panic struck me and I just carried her to my apartment without even thinking. The cafe was just outside my apartment building anyway. 

As I look down at her on the bed, I notice how beautiful she really is. I mean...the first time I saw her, she was really beautiful in her white dress. But, I was too tired to really study her face. The times we meet up for meetings, we always talked about business. 

I've heard her story from JYP. Actually, he told my dad and my dad told me. He was supposed to be the investor, but I wanted to start thinking of better ways to use my money, so I volunteered. The business world is interesting, there are still a lot I need to learn. From our meetings and discussions with Jess, I find myself picking up some tips here and there. She really knows what she's doing. I'm guessing, she'd be really successful one day. I trust my money won't go to waste. 

  I met another businessman in China when I was there just last week. His offer was a bit strange but tempting.  I told him I'd think about it.

While I was there, I've learned a lot about her family and her background. Why did I even bother knowing more about her? I don't know that, too. She just caught my interest. She's young, yet she has a big burden to carry. Her problems don't show in her face, though. She always looks confident and carefree when I see her. 

In fact, whenever she laughs or smiles, I find myself doing the same. I admit, I was a bit arrogant at first. Who could blame me? I'm always tired, busy and stressed out because of my schedule. But, I don't know why, whenever I'm with her I forget all about those and focus on her smiling face. 

Do I like her? Maybe. But, she looks happy with her boyfriend now. 

Speaking of which, where the heck is he? He should be taking care of this fragile girl. Oh, right. He's an idol, too. He must be as busy as I am, knowing how popular his group is nowadays. But, if I were him, I would watch over her more. 

I try to wipe her forehead and hands with a damp towel to cool her off a bit. She has very slender fingers, her hands are soft and her skin silky smooth. Damn! Who could resist her? 

I find myself staring at her pretty face again, my fingers running through her hair. I close my eyes and stop myself from kissing her. I can't take advantage of this innocent girl on my bed. Just as if by coincidence, I hear her phone ring. I hesitate before answering. 

It's Mark. Though I want her to just rest in my place, he's her boyfriend after all. I let him take her away. The look on his eyes though, tell me he's annoyed that I took her here. So, he's the jealous type. I smirk. 

After practice, I call her.


"Kwon!" Funny how she started calling me by my last name ever since I called her by hers. But, I like it, it sounds casual and friendly. Sometimes, when we're not talking about business, I consider her a friend instead of a business partner. She just has a lot to talk about. I like listening to her talk about food and her dog, places she's been to and Vic. 

I Love You, But I Lied - Mark Tuan and Got7 FanficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang