"So I just did a couple of videos, now let's go bother Max. I promise I won't fall down the stairs this time."I said, remembering that day. That fucking hurt, I'm still messed up because of those stairs. I walked out of my office trying to find Max. He was sitting in his chair, headphones on, editting.

"Hey! He's actually doing his job!" I stated to the camera. Ross was walking behind me and I stopped him. "Hold this," I said handing him the camera. I thought of a way to piss him off without getting myself killed. I went up behind him and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Mhm" he said, still working. I carefully grabbed the back on his chair and yanked it. He went flying forward and everything on his desk fell to the floor. He growled as he got up..

"Stella, your going to die." Ross said behind me, filming.

"The funny thing is that I wasn't planning on getting killed today," I said sarcasticly and awkwardly laughed. Time to run. I started sprinting down the hall trying to get away from Max.

"I don't care if you're a girl! You going to die today!" Max yelled behind me. Time for some Matrix shit. I stopped running and spun around. Max was barreling towards me. I ducked under his Ames and ran the other way. Real life parkour, don't fail me now. I ran to the end of the hall, cursing as I came to a dead end. I turned around, seeing Max pulling up his sleeves, death written all over his face. Personally I wasn't scared of him. A little but not a lot. Luckily I already thought of a way out of this, bringing back my childhood memories. As Max cornered me, I jumped on the wall. One foot in one wall the other on the other wall. I jumped higher and higher, felt like America Ninha Warrior. Fortunately for me the ceiling was high and I carefully moved over Max as he stared at me in shock.

"I got free time, what do you expect?" I said and jumped off of the wall. I grabbed the camera from Ross and ran to my office. I didn't want to get tackled even if Max calmed down.

"So, that went surprisingly well," I said during back down. "i sure you that I am human I just like parkour shit and I have a lot of free time on my hands. Anyway I'll set you guys at lunch! Baiii!" I shut I'd the camera and continued working. I looked at my schedule and saw that I have an extra 30 minutes to myself. That's weird. There must be a mistake. John and Scott probably forgot to check mine after they were done. I walked out of my office looking for Scott. I found him in his office, talking on his phone. He saw me waiting and waved me in.

"Look, I don't care who you are. She's not available, so just-"

"No. No. Hey. I'm leaving, goodbye. She's not going to talk to you." Scott hung up and rang his hand through his hair.

"Whats up?" I asked, concerned. Who was talking to him? A friend of Alesa?

"Oh nothing, just business stuff," he said and changed the topic. "What brings you here?" I gave him my schedule.

"I have an extra 30 minutes to myself. Why?" I asked, sitting straighter in my chair.

"Well John and I thought it would be ok for you to have some alone time. You are qued for a week so you don't have to do a lot of videos. The guys are behind so they have to work tomorrow also." He answered and handed me back my schedule. I was surprised on what he just said. Free time? Yes!

"Yes! I get to sleep!" I yelled and ran out of the office.

"Wait! Come back!" He yelled after me. I sighed and moon walked back to his office.

"You called?" I said, innocently. He rolled his eyes and stood up.

"You know I'm always here for you right?" He said shutting the door.

"Well yeah, you all are." I said, sitting back down. He walked back to his desk and sat in the end of it.

"Than talk to me. You may be fooling Max and the rest but I know theres something wrong." He said. He's like a secret ninja. I thought I was hiding my feelings well. God dammit.

"Nothing's going on. I'm fine." I said quickly. Way not to panic Stella. So stupid. He narrowed his eyes and sighed.

"Alright. But I'm always here for you," he said and sat in his chair. I nodded and walked out. I walked back to my office, successfuly not running into anybody.

How did he know? Did I not hide my feelings well? I can't let them know anything! No one knows what happened to Danté. They don't know that I sold my mother's jewelry. They don't know I cut. You didn't know I cut. Haha broke the fourth wall there, your welcome. Anyway. They don't know that I hate myself. I hate my life. I hate everything about me. I'm falling into a depression again. I'm literally having a hard time getting out of bed. There's like no point of living.

I lifted up my sleeves relieving scars. I sighed. What's wrong with me? Why am I doing this? I miss my family. I miss my mom. I want to give my father another chance. I want my old life back. I love the guys but I miss my family. I grabbed my blade from under my desk. Gosh how I miss this so much. I started cutting. Down the road not across the street. I made two big cuts on my left arm and thenvdd it on my right. They were flowing blood and thankfully I had napkins on my desk. I waited until the cuts clotted and stopped bleeding. Unfortunately, they weren't going to stop, I need to hide. Anyone can someone here.I wrapped my arms in the napkins and pulled my sleeves down. I poked my head out of the door looking for anyone close to me. Luckily everybody is recording or working. I quietly walked to the bathroom, not running into anybody. I locked my self in a stall and pulled up my sleeves. Blood sept through the napkins. I took them off and grabbed some toilet paper. Come on blood clot already. I kept wiping off the blood and finally after like five minutes it stopped. I cleaned my mess up and walked or of the stall. I washed my arms to clean the dry blood off. I looked at them and sighed. I feel like shit now. You're ugly Stella. Your stupid. You need to die. What is wrong with you? Stupid. Worthless. Ugly. Fat. Death. Death. Death. I shook the thoughts out of my head. Now is not the time. Get it together Stella. I bent down to the sink and turned on the water. I gathered cold water and threw it in my face. I dryer myself off and walked out of the bathroom.

"Hey Stella!" Adam said. I smiled and waved but kept walking. "Its lunchtime, where do you wanna go?"

"I ate a late breakfast so I'm not really hungry." I said quietly, walking away. Real smooth Stella. Real smooth. I avoided everybody's stare as I walked to my office. I closed my door and leaned against it. Why am I so stupid? I messed up, they definitely know something is up. I gently punched the wall and plopped down in my chair. Today was so not uneventful and I'm not even off work yet.

I cleared my mind and closed my eyes. I need to nap. Who doesn't like naps? I'm so tired, all day, everyday.

2016 words!

Steal A Heart ~ A Mithzan Fan FictonUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum