Chapter Twenty-Three: Everything Will Change

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Seth's Point Of View:

I arrived to school just in time to make it to first period. It was a new semester, so my classes have changed. Everything but orchestra. I sat in my spot and Jewel sat next to me.

"Hey... How's Sky doing?" She asked. I just put my head on the desk, and she sighed. "He will get better, I know it."

I looked up, and she was giving me a reassuring smile. I tried to smile back, but nothing happened. She was about to say something, but Mr. Clark interrupted. He was very strange. He'd disappear for weeks at a time, then return looking tired. Sometimes he would be injured, but he was always happy. Despite his injuries and tiredness, he was very responsive also. One time, a kid threw a paper ball at someone, and he caught it without looking. He would tell stories about some wars he'd been in, so I assume that's why he was able to do that.

Finally, first period was over. I ran out of the room and went straight to orchestra. I felt someone hit my side before I entered the classroom.

"Hey, is it the lucky day?" Violet asked, hoping Sky finally came to school. I just shook my head. She dropped her head while sighing. We walked in together as I looked at the class. We used to have forty-six kids, but now we had thirty-two. It was sad, but we were still able to sound pretty good. I looked into Mr. Hunt's office to see him holding his chest, where he had been shot. Now, he looked more worried about everything than his usual happy self. He came out of his office to address us.

"Hey guys, today will be a free day. I have a lot of stuff to do, so just make sure you are busy with something." He said, walking back into his office. Me, Amita, Cristina, Violet, and Lily pulled up our chairs into a circle. We just sat in silence.

"Sky's birthday is coming up...." Violet said, as we all looked up.

"Yeah... April 2nd, right?" Cristina asked. I shook my head.

"No, April 3rd." I corrected, and it went quiet.

"We should do something for him... like a surprise party... but we probably shouldn't jump out at him...." Amita said, looking down again. Everyone else looked at me.

"We should, but I don't know how he would feel about it." They just nodded. We started talking about other things as well. Somehow, all the conversations led back to Sky. I really missed him. I wanted to help him through it, but I didn't know how. I love him, and I want to spend the rest of my life with him, but I didn't think he feels the same way with me anymore. If we were old enough, I probably would have proposed already. Even if we were close to age, I would have given him a promise ring, but he is only fourteen.

Thinking about him was making me worry. What was he doing at home? He hasn't texted or called, which worries me because he usually does. I couldn't stop remembering last night. He held the knife, to his wrist, and looked as if he was about to cut himself. Fear started to flood in. No one was home, he was all alone. I immediately got up, and went to the classroom door. I ignored anyone who called after me.

I had to go see if he was okay.
Sky's Point Of View:

I looked around the room. He was gone. 'Well thanks for saying bye.' I got up, slowly, and put on fresh clothes. I didn't bother to brush my teeth, and I walked downstairs. I looked at the food Julie left me, but I wasn't hungry. I sat on the couch and turned the TV on. I flipped through the channels till a rom-com came on. I stopped and watched it.

It made me even more depressed. Their lives were so perfect and funny, but mine... mine was shit. Nothing good has ever come out of my life. My parents hate me, my brother doesn't even know what the hell is going on, my friends think I'm a psychopath, and my boyfriend probably doesn't like me anymore. He probably acts like he does so it doesn't become awkward that we are living in the same house.

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