Chapter Three: The Other Boy

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Sky's Point Of View:

I walked into the orchestra room going straight to my chair to unpack my violin. I didn't look anywhere or find anyone. I was too hurt and tired to care about talking to anyone. I wasn't even excited about the orchestra concert tonight. Most people in the school are excited about Homecoming in three weeks, but not me. Well I probably would be if I had a date, but no I'm too stupid to get anyone.

"Sky, you alright?" It was Cristina, a cello player in my class. Cristina was a shorter, Korean girl. Her face was adorable, and her eyes were dark, but had a special glint in them whenever she laughed. We were friends in sixth and seventh grade, but because of zoning issues, she was moved to another school. Luckily this year we started to talk again, mainly cause we had orchestra and biology together.

"Mmhmm," I answer back, not really paying attention.

"It's Seth again... isn't it?"

"Maybe..." I replied, a little hesitantly.

"Oh come on, look at him," we looked over and he was sitting with his Asian friend again. "He is a douchebag, you wouldn't want to date someone who will just break your heart later on... plus he is not that hot." That last part hurt me. How could anyone say he wasn't hot... I mean, look at him!

"Whatever." Cristina isn't usually the best sympathetic person. She can give you a reality check, but if you want a shoulder to cry on... best not to ask her.

I went through the rest of the period not really paying attention. The orchestra was sounding ok, but I was getting nervous with the concert so close.

"Alright guys the concert is tonight! Remember to wear your dress or tux and be here by 6:30," Mr. Hunt yelled at us while we all packed our instruments.

The bell rang and I immediately left, not waiting for Cristina since we usually always go to biology together. I reached the room, walked in, dropped my backpack on the floor, and practically fell in my seat.

"What the hell?!" I look up at Cristina looking pissed. "You literally ditched me!" She took her seat next to me. Luckily no one else sat in the chairs in front of us, just the way I liked it. I dropped my head onto the table again. 

"You know, I hate giving you such high hopes, but Seth seemed worried when you left so quickly. It seems as if he cares about you." Cristina said, a little disgusted.

"Really?!" I squealed, getting a little over excited.

"Yup, gross I know." She made a gagging face then laughed. "Look, if by some miracle he is gay, and he ends up dating you, I just want you to know... If he hurts you, I'll personally kill him."

"Ha, like he would ever be gay AND date me," I said. At least I know he somewhat cares about me. Well I think.

"Ok class, we have a new student, his name is Morgan," Mr. Thomas, our biology teacher, said while pointing to a good-looking boy. He is somewhat tall, well taller than me at least. He has longish, brown hair that covers the tops of his eyes. He had a nice build, and was wearing jeans with a black jacket. He would be someone I would have a crush on, but every time I imagine myself with a boyfriend, I'm always with Seth.

"Morgan, you can sit... there," Mr. Thomas said pointing to the seat directly in front of me. 'Oh, thank you god, you just love doing this to me don't you?' He walked over and sat down, he gave me a smile, but all I did was drop my head again.

"Oh don't mind him, he is just upset because the boy he likes isn't making a move," my head shot up as I realized what Cristina just said. It took her awhile to realize too, but she finally did. Morgan just sat a little shocked.

"Sky... I'm so sorry," Cristina apologized.

"Wait... You... You're gay?" Morgan asked.

"" I tried answering but it sounded more like a question.

"Hey it's ok if you are... To tell you the truth... I am too," he said the last part in a whisper.

"Rea...really?" I asked, he really didn't seem gay at all, so I was wondering if he was just trying to get the secret out of me.

"Yeah," he said as he pulled out his phone and showed a picture of him and a boy cuddling. "This is my boyfriend back home, we wanted to try a long distance relationship."

"Well you guys make a cute couple," I replied, less worried. It was nice having someone that was like me around.

"Thank you," he replied before Mr. Thomas started teaching.

An hour and twenty minutes passed and it was finally lunch time. I was STARVING. Of course I had to have the last lunch.

"Hey Morgan, you want to sit with me and Cristina?" I turned to Morgan before leaving the classroom.

Seth's Point Of View:

'Who is that boy with Sky?!' I yelled in my brain. 'Sky is mine, he better not touch him.'
But that's when something terrible happened. The boy put his arm around Sky's shoulder. 'Oh it's on'

I got up. I was going to go and talk to Sky. But before I could make it anywhere Jewel grabbed me and took me to a janitors closet. She closed the door behind us.

"Jewel what are you—," I was cut off by a gross set of lips on my mouth. She started to kiss down my neck, and to be honest... It felt terrible.

"Jewel- stop—," I was cut off again by her lips.

"Shh baby, I'll take good care of you," she said as she started fiddling with my pants. Not gonna happen, I am not gonna have sex with her. Not with this lunatic.

"Jewel st—," she placed her fingers on my lips with one hand as she pulled down my pants with the other.

"JEWEL STOP," I yelled at her and she jumped backwards. I quickly pulled my pants on and walked out of the closet, leaving Jewel inside.

I got back to the cafeteria, and the boy didn't have his arm around Sky anymore. Thank God. I started to walk towards him, after what just happened with Jewel, I realized how much I wanted it to be Sky not her in that janitor closet. But before I could reach the table, the bell rang and they all dispersed. As much as I wanted to follow Sky to his class, I had to get to my own. I bowed my head in shame, and walked away in the opposite direction.

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