Chapter One: The First Day

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A/N: This is my first story! Hope you enjoy!
Sky's Point Of View:

"Oh God, where am I?" I whisper to myself walking through the hallways of my new high school. I keep making turn after turn, looking at the classroom numbers, wondering if I'm even going in the right direction.

"Ok I still have three minutes... I can find my class before—," I was saying to myself as I tripped on my own shoe. I tried to save myself by grabbing something, but I ended up tearing a poster and dragging it down with me.

"Great, only been here what... 10 minutes? And I already ruined something!" I nearly screamed, then turned to see many people laughing and pointing. Great, now I am known as the clumsy idiot who breaks things on the first day of school. I got off my knees and started to look for my class. With only one minute left, I spotted my first period classroom, AP Geography. I ran to the door and rushed in. I looked around and noticed how everyone was staring at me. All I did was awkwardly smile, then looked for a place to sit. I saw people I didn't know, people I recognized but didn't really know, and people I did know but hated with a passion.

"Sky?! Your in this class!?" I heard someone with surprise. I turned to see one of my friends, Lily. Yes! Someone I like!

"Lily, I didn't know you were in this class?" I said taking a seat next to her. I looked at the other two people sitting at our table and gave them a warm smile. A boy sitting across from me smiled and gave a wave while the other girl just rolled her eyes and looked at her phone. "Well nice to meet you too," I thought to myself.

"Yeah I switched last minute because of scheduling issues, guess that was a good thing now," she told me as she was getting out a binder.

Lily was a small girl with a cute face. Her eyes were dark brown and she had caramel colored skin. Her black hair would reach just past her shoulders.

"Sooooo tell me Sky."

"Tell you what," I questioned, very confused.

"Did you get a boyfriend over the summer," she questioned with a devilish smile creeping upon her face. She knew I've been looking for someone for a while now, but no one ever liked me that way. Mainly cause they were straight.

"Obviously not, cause if I did, I would be a lot more happy right now," I replied, her smile going away.

"Well trust me you will find someone s—,"

"Alright class, I am Mrs. Kulo and this is AP Geography. Is everyone in the right place?" Mrs. Kulo asked. Everyone murmured there 'yes' when she continued.

"Ok good, then everyone here is off to a good start for their first year of high school!" She cheered, "so who is excited about high school?" No one answered except a couple sarcastic 'woohoo's from a table that was far from Lily and I.

"Oh, this is gonna be one of those classes...," she said in a joking kind of way, emphasizing 'those'.

The next hour and a half went by quite quickly since Mrs. Kulo ended up being a fun teacher. It's a good thing too, I already hated geography enough, I didn't need to hate the teacher too. The bell rang, and me and Lily were the first ones out. Now it was time to go to our second period, for me it was orchestra.

"Lily, you're still in orchestra, right?" I asked, hoping we were going to the same place again.

"Yeah, I'm in Symphonic Orchestra."

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