"Guys. Stop." I groan and hide my face.

"Look Saafiya, she's blushing." Umme says to Saafiya and they both laugh.

"But on the serious note, it feels so weird how we are so grown up now, and are going off to university next year." Saafiya says.

"I feel the same way. We better visit each other, and you guys better come to my wedding in the summer." I tell both of them and they both nod and agree.

"When is yours Layla?" Umme asks me.

"In the middle or end of July. Why?"

"Cause Ali's family asked for my hand in marriage and I said yes. Plus we planned it for the beginning of July." She said and both Saafiya and I start squealing like maniacs.

"Congratulations Umme." We both tell her and she smiles.

"How was your vacation Saafiya." I ask her, and she groans.

"Jessica was there but I did a well job of ignoring her. Dad's close friend also came to visit, and he had a snobby son as well." I raise my eyebrow at her because I know that there is more to the story than what she is telling us.

"Saafiya spill the beans. I'm not stupid." I tell her.

"Ok, ok, you got me. My dad's friend's son apparently likes me." She says in annoyance.

"What's the problem here Saafiya?" Umme asks her, and I too am confused.

"The problem is that Jessica is after him as well and she wants to be with him." She says sadly.

"Does he have feelings for her?" I ask her getting out of the car since we are at school now.

"He told me he doesn't but Jessica is so persistent that I honestly think that she will get in between us."

"So you do like him Saafiya, huh?" I ask her with a smirk on my face.

"You're so mean Layla." Saafiya says shooting me a glare.

"You still love me." I tell her with an innocent smile on my face. She shakes her head no but can't hide her smile from me.

We first go to our lockers, so we can put away our parkas, and then head to Biology class. 

"Ok class today we'll be starting the next unit today. You guys can take out your textbook and do the questions on the board. We'll be having a test in two weeks."

Class goes by uneventfully, and I do my best to ignore Hamza, but don't exactly succeed. I only got 5 pages read from the 30 that we were assigned. I guess I'll just have to do the rest during lunch, or at home. 

I walk to English class and sit down on my seat. Since we have an in class assessment today during class, I'm busy with that the whole period. By the time lunch comes, I'm glad that half the day is over. I give Umme and Saafiya the gifts that I bought them from Dubai. I was so excited when I found out that they bought me gifts as well.

Umme got me a First Nation leather scarf, and lavender incense sticks, while Saafiya got me 4 essential oils body wash, and eucalyptus oil. Both of them got me essential oils themed gifts because of how stressed out I was, which was quite nice and thoughtful of them.

I finish half of my biology homework as well during lunch luckily, and before I know it, the bell rings and I go to Psychology class. After writing my culminating writing assignment, I hand it in to my teacher and go sit back on my chair. I finish a bit more of my biology homework, and then go off to Home Studies.

"So today we will be looking at methods of maintaining a house. I have paired you up already. I expect each group to finish the assignment during class time, and hand it in to me before this period ends." 

A Halal Love Story #Wattys2019 - BEING EDITEDUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum