Chapter 22

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Heyyyyyy, so I know I'm a terrible person and I haven't updated in over two weeks but I'm back!!! I've just been getting tonnes of homework all at once and I've been re-organising my room aswell.


"Niall! Beth!" the paps stand infront of us, trying to get a glimpse of our faces so that they can capture a picture of the two of us. I keep my head down as Niall takes my hand and the security guard takes our cases. We book in on the Thomson flight LH8 to Mulling County Airport.

It's been one week since we found out that Greg and Denise lost their baby and they don't know that we're expecting yet since we don't really want to 'rub' it in their faces. They also don't know we are staying in Ireland for a bit so it'll be great staying with them for a bit, especially seeing Theo again.

We find our way through security without having any complications and locate ourselves to duty free. We go to the perfume and aftershave section of the conjoined shop as Niall is adamant that he's buying himself more aftershave. He picks up the small bottle and he inhales the smell, nodding his head in approval. I take the bottle into my hand and place it back on the shelf. I pick up the biggest bottle and walk over to the cash desk.

"Princess" Niall looks at me, holding his hand out.

"Niall, I don't care. You aren't paying for this. You deserve it" I reply, smirking while Niall hopelessly gives in. The cash assistant calls us up to the desk and I hand the product over while asking if I could pay by card. She asks me to enter my pin while Niall is continuously smiling at me which is a mix of cute but it's beginning to become creepy. I enter my pin as she asked and Niall wraps his arms around my waist and kisses my hair as a way of saying thank you.

We walk out of the shop and Niall pulls me off in another direction. He takes me to the Victoria's Secret store and tells me to sit down in the corner. I roll my eyes and do so, not sure if letting my boyfriend loose in this shop is a good idea.

He comes back with a large bag and hands it to me smiling. I open it and remove the pick tissue paper from the top, revealing the signature silk pyjamas and the signature silk robe.

I spring up and engulf him in a massive hug while he chuckles and taps my back.

Niall's phone sounds and for once it isn't a fan that has found his number online.

"We are late for our plane, we've got ten minutes until out take off slot" Niall informs me. We grab our bags off of the seat and run to gate 34. Cabin crew meet us on the plane and as it is a private jet, we don't get looks from the unimpressed passengers which is hat happened last time.

Niall sits down on one of the massage seats while I take a seat on one of the benches and buckle my seat belt.

I take out my laptop and begin to wrote my next blog post as I've taken to blogging recently. I spoke to Niall about it after debating the idea for a while seen as I already get quite a few hundred of hate messages anyway. We decided I should take up blogging for the sake of our child. It could be something we read when we are older and our child has moved out; kind of like a memoir in one respect.

I write about the loss of things, people being one of them since today was the eighth anniversary that my Grandad had died. I talk about Greg and Denise losing the baby but I don't include their names for privacy reasons.

After writing about 5000 words I shut my laptop down and join Niall in the massage chair across from him. He's on his laptop with an intrigued look painted on his face.

"What are you looking at babe?" I ask him, laughing quietly at the facial expressions he's currently making. He raises his head to face me and simply replies 'nothing' before retiring to his laptop and once again starts scrolling. I look towards is window, catching the reflection of his screen.

"Are you actually looking at baby clothes?" I laugh to myself. A smirk begins to form on his face while he looks up at me. I laugh to myself and rub my stomach with one hand while my other is joined with Niall's across the table. We are going to be parents in nine months and it's all that we've ever wanted.


Also sorry for the incredibly short update. I'm not in the mood to write where I left off and didn't see the point in writing a 2000 word chapter if I wasn't in the right mood and it wouldn't be good content. Hopefully I'll be more active as half term is now upon us. So I look forward to that. If you have any fan fiction suggestions please let me know and maybe when I finish this book I'll start that one.

Kiss me, I'm Irish (Niall Horan)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora