Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Beth's POV

When the band went to America I met up with Gigi Hadid a few times and we soon became good friends. My Dad had to get me something to do so he thought about modelling alongside Gigi for a campaign that she was doing. Ever since then I've had no contact except from last week when she text me asking if I wanted to go to her catwalk today in London with the guys and Hannah. Everyone has their name on the list as Gigi took into consideration that I'm a very forgetful person.

As I'm going to a high end catwalk I decide to dress a bit more stylish that I usually would. I pull on my 'Kendall and Kylie' crop top, some ripped skinny jeans and high black boots. I start to root through my drawers and find a bag to go with my chosen outfit. Hannah ordered a stylist to come and do everyone's makeup as it's kind of a celebrity appearance and there is bound to be paps. All the boys arrived in a taxi and flood into the apartment, including Niall. We exchange looks but nothing more as the stylist sits Hannah down. I decide to occupy myself with my phone and check social media as I could feel the air thickening with awkwardness from the atmosphere. The stylist finishes Hannah pretty quickly and grabs my attention by calling me. I lock my phone and rest it on the arm of the sofa. Harry, Niall and Liam come back from the kitchen with drinks in their hands. Harry and Liam sit on the chairs opposite from Niall sitting in my previous place and Louis and Hannah. I watch the five hold a conversation with each other in the mirror. I hear my phone tone ring, signalling I received a text. I watch as it catches Niall's attention and his face falls as he continues to take a sip from his drink.

Harry hands me my phone and I look at the sender's name. Luke Hemmings. The text reads "We still on for that coffee on Fri xx'. I instantly feel a wave of guilt flow over me. Luke and I have been friends for ages. While my parents were still together I met a few celebs but never the guys a my mother never approved of them. Luke knew something was up and was in London for a few weeks so he asked about coffee to go over things and I can see why it bothered Niall but to be honest why should I feel bad? He cheated on me so this is none other than his fault. I unlock my phone and reply to Luke confirming that I'm free. I scroll through my twitter and trending worldwide is #weneedneth followed by a bunch of pictures. I lock my phone in frustration. I'll never stop loving Niall but he hurt me. I am awoken from my daze as the stylist coughs and tells me I'm done. I sit by Harry on the sofa while Liam goes and gets his makeup done.

Within two hours we're done and we've been picked up in the limo. Hannah enters the limo, taking the seat next to Louis and Liam follows after, sitting by Liam leaving one space for me. Next to Niall. The air starts to thicken again before Liam asks Louis about his sister's wedding.

"Yeah, it's in June. We're all excited and as Lottie was our stylish for half of the tour she wants all of you to be involved in it. As you know Hannah is a Maid of Honour and I'm the best man but she wants to go for coffee next week to speak. That ok?" Louis raises his head from his phone. I nod, knowing I have no plans. I start up a conversation with Luke again and it starts to attract Niall's attention and i can feel his eyes burning in the back of my head. I turn my phone on silent and place it in my bag as the car pulls up outside of the venue. A vast amount of paps are lined either side of the red carpet shouting various things with their massive camera's ready to stick in our faces. I step out and take my surroundings in as I keep my head down, knowing there'll be a question about my love life. I walk straight into the hall and meet Gigi backstage, leaving the rest of the boys and Hannah to find their way around since I hadn't seen Gigi in ages.

"Hey Beth!" I hear a familiar tone from behind me and two arms wrap around my shoulders.

"Gigi!" I smile. She looks flawless in a peach dress and her hair curled. The curls cascade down onto her tanned shoulders and they bounce as she speaks, showing her excitement.

"I'm so nervous Beth, it's my first show with 'Dash' and I'm legit shaking" I laugh

"Don't worry. London crowds aren't too bad and you look breathtaking"

"Aww thanks. How's you and Niall?" she smiles, wanting to know more. I look to the ground and fall silent. Eventually getting the gist, she changes subject. She's actually meeting up with Luke often in London and I hope they work out. They'd make such a cute couple.

"Gigi, we need you in five!" the producer calls, catching Gigi's attention.

"See you after the show" She hugs me and walks off, leaving me to find Hannah.

By now one of the executives have appointed us to our dressing room so I stroll aimlessly down the corridor, reading every single name on the door until I come across 'One Direction & Co'. I knock before entering, seeing it's only Liam in the dressing room and everyone else is at soundcheck.

"Hey Li" I chime, retrieving a bottle of water from the mini fridge on the side.

"Hey, where did you get off to?" Liam lifts his head from his phone.

"I went to find Gigi, she's so nervous" I reply as I sit down on the opposite couch.

"You do know you're now doing all of our hair and make up, right?" Liam raises his eyebrows after I divert my attention to my phone once again.

"No, why?"

"Lou, couldn't make it. Lux is ill"

"Aww, I'll text her later. I hope Lux gets better soon, she's always so positive about everything and I have no problem with being they stylist Mr Payne"

"Very well then Miss Jarvis, I look forward to it".

A few hours pass by and we have an hour until stage so I start of everyone's hair and makeup, doing mine first. Hannah sits in the black leather chair as I grab my brush and curler to do her hair first. I complete the look with both tight and loose curls, making it look natural. I start on her make up and give her a smokey eye and big lashes as it compliments her eyes. Next in the chair is Liam. Liam fidgets with his hair as I try my best to style it before he wrecks it again which ends in me warning him not to touch his hair but we all know that he will anyway. Louis sits in the chair, moving every once in a while in order for him to get comfortable. I powder his face as his hair is already done.

"Beth, you want a drink?" Hannah calls from across the room at the mini fridge.

"Yeah, just water please" she chucks the bottle at me as Louis finishes up and Harry replaces his space.

I grab a comb of the side and start from the fringe back, bringing the curls back from his face. After he's happy with the end result I powder his face so his skin won't appear shiny in the pap's photos.

My Dad makes us all jump as he bursts open the door and shouts 'out now'. He doesn't know about what happened to Niall and I yet and I'm pretty sure he'd do something to him that only God knows.

"Niall, you need your hair and make up done too" he turns to Niall who's lounging on the sofa with some tea in his hand. He looks to me a gesture to the chair as everyone files out of the room except from Niall and I.

Ten minutes later and nobody has said a word. I finish Niall up and grab my phone and bag off of the work surface and turn to exit the room but a hand stops me on my wrist.

I turn around and familiar lips pull me in for a long passionate kiss. We pull apart and I look towards the blonde haired boy.

"Look, I made a mistake and yes, it was a big one. I can't be without you, I need your presence. I need to hold your hand, hear your voice, hug you and I just need you to be mine all over again. Please Beth, just give me one more chance" I smile at Niall's mini speech and nod my head. He almost wipes me out with a hug. I close the door behind me, stepping into the corridor as Niall's hand meets mine.


That was chapter 18. I hope you liked it.

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