Chapter 1

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Beth's POV:
I change into a simple crop top and some shorts before throwing a long burgundy cardigan over it. I jump into the mini-van that my dad drives. I study the whole of the van as he struggles to carry my suitcase or should I say wardrobe out to the van. I chuckle lightly before grabbing my book out of my black backpack.

I guess you could be wondering what is happening. Well, a few months back my mom and dad split up aswell as me having a hard time at school. I did have a bully, that is until my dad made the decision to move me out onto the tour with this so called 'One Direction'.

He yanks the door open and sits in the drivers seat before picking up his phone of which was going absolutely crazy.

"Hello?" he questions, waiting for a reply.

"Paul, being the tour manager of 'One Direction', you cant be late. I think you need to stop giving the boys a hard time and maybe just make up for it by buying them a KFC". The voice is followed by muffles and my dad smiles as he reaches the end of the road.

"Nice try, boys. We'll be there in about half an hour" he tells them

"We?" they all question in unison.

"I didn't tell you? My daughter Beth is joining us, but I don't want any funny business. Is that clear?" he asks.

"DAD!" I but in he chuckles before we hear the line go dead.

I continue to read my book before I am interrupted.

"Babe, we're here" he pats my leg and I hop out of the car after putting my book back in my bag. I retrieve my suitcase from the boot and wheel it over to the tour bus. It looks like the 'lads' have settled in. My dad shows me my bunk and informs me that he or any of the tour staff will be on the bus. It will just be me and the lads and the driver of course. To be honest I'm not that excited about the whole thing.

I dump my case next to my bunk and follow him into his dressing room which only him and I have access to for just chilling although for the next few venues I will have to share a dressing room with the boys.

He opens the door and reveals a couch, TV, dressing table and a bar type thing in the corner along with a girl that appears to be just older than me.

"Beth, this is Alyx. Alyx is Mark's daughter and she's only here for the day but we figured you two could keep each other company" I nod and shake her hand before setting my bag down on the dressing table and sitting in the chair. My dad leaves the room and I pull out my phone to check my social media.

"How are you?" a high voice perks up. I put my phone down and engage in the conversation, I may as well make the most of this.

"Fine thank you. You?" I reply

"Great. I guess your not happy about the whole thing" he says.

"No. Not really. I don't like the sound of meeting five new boys and touring the world really. Of course I want to travel the world, I've always wanted to do that but I haven't even heard of the guys let alone know them" I say huffing.

"They aren't as scary as they seem now. They are nice lads and I guarantee they'll take care of you" she smiles before looking down at her phone.

I nod, at least things may be looking up and it won't be as bad as I think.

5 hours later of sitting around in a room and talking to Alyx I hear the concert being started and Alyx is quietly singing along to one of their songs.

"You have a beautiful voice" I compliment her.

"Thanks" she smiles

"Tea, Coffee?" I offer as I am going to get myself some anyway.

"Tea please" she smiles once again.

I walk out of the room and breathe deeply and head over to the main kitchen to make Alyx and I some tea. I somehow find myself singing along to the song but I stop myself in the fear that someone might hear me. The song ends and with the steaming cups in my hands I slowly walk back to the dressing room. I hear rushing foots steps and someone nearly knocks me over. I turn back I their direction and in front of me is a dirty blonde haired boy with piercing blue eyes. I smile as he apologises and rushes off into the other direction of the others.

I return to the room and pass Alyx her tea and set mine down on the table while I get my mac book out. I update most of my social media and snoop on other peoples pages. I play my YouTube playlist aloud and Alyx compliments me on my choice of music although most of them are small artists since I've never been the sort to listen to big names.

Before I know it, the concert is over and Alyx leaves with her dad. My dad enters the room and asks me to come with him and bring all my stuff.

I slide my laptop into the case and then into my bag and sling the bag over one of my shoulders.

My dad knocks on a door and I hear a few voices shout 'come in'. Before my eyes is the guy I'd met or more run into as he was rushing. I guess you could say I like him.

"Harry, Liam, Louis, Zayn and Niall" he introduced them, pointing them out.

"Niall" I mutter under my breath.

"And this is Hannah" he says gesturing to the girl that just walked in.

Hannah's POV:

I smile at the girl that was supposedly Paul's daughter. I make my way other to Niall and sit in his lap as Louis is on his phone. I look up and the girl is gone but seconds later I find myself in Niall's seat and Niall has gone after her.

Niall's POV:

Hannah sits on my lap and unlocks her phone, no doubt to text Louis and start another one of their 'secret' conversations. I roll my eyes and look towards Paul and Beth at the door. Tears brim in her eyes as she rushes away. I push Hannah off of my lap and run after her to follow her outside. I guess you could say I like her.

Beth's POV:

I sit on the steps outside and bury my head in my hands. I feel the company of someone and an arm slung around my back. I notice it is Niall and that is the last thing I want for him to see me like this. He pulls me into him and rests his chin on my head and I take in the soft scent of his cologne.


That was Chapter 1. I hope you liked it. Sorry if it seems a bit rubbish but if you are unsure please hang around and read the next few chapters.

Until the next Chapter...

Kiss me, I'm Irish (Niall Horan)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя