Chapter 8

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I've changed Beth's dad to Mark rather than Paul since Mark and Niall are closer, I'll still use the same back story and that I just thought it would be more suited to have Mark as Beth's dad.

--Niall's POV--

I wake up with my arms snaked around my girlfriend's waist. I reach over her and grab my phone off her nightstand to look at the time. It displays 10:01 which means I have to be at an interview in an hour and a half. I kiss Beth's cheek and rub her arm lightly to wake her.

"Smalmhmfgh" she replies in a mumble of her morning.

"Princess, I need to be at my interview with the lads in an hour and a half and you've got to meet up with Hannah and go into town" I explain. Her eyes widen and she practically jumps out of bed.

I get changed into a white t-shirt and some black jeans. I pull on some black textured boots and walk into the kitchen where Beth is making some coffee for me and some tea for herself. I wrap my arms around her waist from behind and pull her into me.

"Ni" she laughs as I rest my head on her shoulder. She pours the boiling water into the two mugs and we walk through to the lounge. I sit down and pull my girlfriend onto my lap. I get up to answer the door to the lads and when I do they all complain about it being 'too early'. They follow me into the lounge before they practically pounce on Beth congratulating her about her deal with us.

"Hey guys, don't suffocate my girlfriend, thats my job" they release Beth and I fall onto her and wrap my arms around her.

"Mate, we need to leave in two minutes, the cars outside now" Harry reminds me.

"Thanks Hazza" I kiss Beth goodbye and leave her and Hannah to go to our interview.

--Beth's POV--

First Hannah and I head to the highstreet to check out the shops in town. We get noticed but a few fans but nothing major so first we went to a coffee shop on the corner called 'Coffee calls'. The manager gave us a private room since people were staring of which we were very grateful of. We sit down and order our drinks at the till and browse our social media. I look through instagram and find an artsy picture that Hannah took of our two coffee cups. I like it and scroll on to see a picture the Liam posted of Niall in the studio. I like and comment 'looks like you're finally working. Haha just joking NiallHoran xx'. the fans go crazy over my comment and I get about fifty more followers and a reply from Niall. 'I always work hard. Don't knock the Irish guy. Especially when you love him xx' I laugh to myself an lock my phone after checking twitter and snapchat.

"Ready to go then?" Hannah's voice brings my attention to her.

"Yeah, sure" I stand up and grab my bag as I type my text to Niall.

'Thought you were having an interview? xxx'

He replies with 'I am but we dropped by the studio to finish off the new album and check it over. Sounds good can't wait for my princess to hear it tho xxx'

I smile and lock my phone once again to pay my full attention to mine and Hannah's day out. We go into a few of the big brand shops like 'Urban Outfitters' and 'Top Shop' and I pick up a few things for Niall and I to wear for the rest of the trip. I buy Niall a portable charger swell since he's been going on at me for ages about his phone always dying and the he can't ever contact anyone. Two girls approach Hannah and I in the streets and greet us swell as asking us to sign their book and sweetly asking for a picture. We decide to go into a shop that sells cute homeware things and gifts. I decide to get a few souvenirs from the shop to give to my brother once we get back which also reminds me that he'll have to meet Niall soon. I pick up some things for the lads and buy a necklace for Hannah that states her horoscope sign. I approach the till and some one who I hope I never laid eyes on again was behind it. Lindsay. She scoffs when she looks up, discovering the sight. I wasn't to happy either and every single thing she scanned she'd give me a dirty look as if I was buying murder weapons. I roll my eyes and call Hannah over so that I can avoid the awkward encounter. I hand over the money and walk out of the shop even though I'd left 20 peso in the shop but I just want to escape the four walls.

"What's up?" Hannah asks, sensing that I was anxious to get out.

"Niall took me to a restaurant and there was a waitress there that gave me dirty looks and stared at Niall although Niall ignored her. She was the woman that served me and she's apparently called Lindsay" I explain.

"Well, would you like me to talk some sense into this b-"

"No, Han. I think I'm fine for now" she nods.

We enter the next shop that doesn't look like anyone will notice us because sometimes it's nice to get away from the spotlight and it's like going back to normal.

--Niall's POV--

"So Niall, We hear you have a girlfriend, Beth if I'm right" the interviewer asks me.

"Yeah, she's awesome. She's our 'tour daddy's' daughter so it's going to be awkward at times but I'm just thankful he's accepted me as his daughter's boyfriend. We've only been going out for around a month or two but I'm so lucky to have her. She's my everything and that may sound cliche and all but it's true. She makes my food but honestly I love her to bits and I don't know what I'd do without her. It's the luck of the Irish I guess"


That was Chapter 8 I hope you enjoyed it.


second they've released the names of their tracks on made in the A.M so I'm really happy about that.

Until the next chapter...

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