Chapter 9

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Just saying, the concert was better than words ;) I've attached a video of Harry opening the concert and a picture of Niall for your viewing. Niall winked at me and it was one of the best nights of my life.

Beth's POV

It's been around a week since I heard what Niall said about me in the interview and a week since we stayed up all night disagreeing on who doesn't deserve who. We got back into England four days ago and we are staying in Niall's apartment since he asked me to move in with him so that no-one can find me.

It's also been a week since the hate has been flooding in. There was always hate, there was always going to be but at this point I didn't even think it would get to this extent. I really don't want to tell Niall about it because I know he'll just worry about it and won't get any sleep. Plus he's working really hard and getting ready for their new album to be released. And for that reason I don't want to invest in any of the other boys.

I wake up next to Niall with my face buried in his warm chest and his arms holding on tightly to me. I look over at my phone on Niall's bedside table and I see it lighting up every now and again, no doubt with hate messages. There are always some nice tweets and mentions but it's hard to focus on them when you're receiving at least one hundred hate messages a day. I shut my eyes tightly and wish the pain away. I find a tear rolling down my cheek as I drift off back to sleep but the thing is I don't go back to sleep. A few minutes later Niall wakes up and kisses me lightly.

"Mornin, Princess" he says in his husky morning voice.

"Morning Irishman" he chuckles as he pulls on a pair of black skinny jeans.

"Hey, I was going to wear skinny black jeans today" I pull a sad face and cross my arms.

"Babygirl, you can wear some. We can me matching" I raise an eyebrow at him and he both burst out loud.

"Let's never do that. I'll just wear leggings" I bring my hand to his back and kiss his cheek before I grab my phone and go into the bathroom to get a shower. I scroll through my notifications and read countless tweets. Hannah's name lights up my screen.

'Hey wanna go out into London for today Louis and I are coming to yours and the lads are having a lads day x'

I reply 'Yeah, Sure. I need to talk to you about something anyway x' I set my phone down on the side and hop into the shower. Half an hour later I step out of the bathroom and let the cold air hit me like a wall.

"Babe, you ok to meet up with the guys tomorrow and write a few songs for the deluxe album we've got less than a month and another song is being released on Friday" Niall asks me.

"Yes Nialler, I'm going out with Hanni today and Louis' coming here. Hannah said that they've come up for tomorrow because everyone else is in London and they were in Doncaster" Niall nods and pulls me down on the bed beside him after I get changed.

"I could lay here all day with my princess" Niall says, softly kissing me.

"Well I'm afraid I can't. I have to be elsewhere. But don't forget I love you and I always will" I kiss him back and hurl myself up from the bed.

He follows me into the kitchen as I make a hot chocolate for us both. Niall grabs his cookies from the cupboard above the fridge and sets them on the coffee table in the lounge. I take her two cups and place them on the coasters that had quotes from Irish people on. I laugh at his weirdness and take a seat. Niall slings his arm around my shoulders and pulls me into him. I pick up the black controller for the TV from beside Niall and I select the Netflix app. We put a movie on since we couldn't agree on watching a TV series unless it was late night comedy shows. I pick up my phone and activate the screen to be faced with yet more mentions once again, no doubt hate. I hide the screen from Niall hoping he didn't take a quick glance at it. I unlock my phone and turn off the notifications options off so that it doesn't reach the point of where I'm scared of unlocking my phone. I open snapchat and take a picture of Niall and I's feet and get the TV in at the same time. I type ' chillin' with Ni' and post it to my story. At some point Niall does the same and uploads it to twitter and instagram.

I hear a knock on the door and I stand up to answer it. I walk over to the door and see through the peep hole that it's Hannah and Louis. I open the door and invite them in. I offer them a drink while they start talking to Niall in the living room. I pour Louis some tea I'd made earlier, knowing that he would want tea and I pour Hannah some 'Shloer' and take it into both of them. They thank me and I sit in my previous position. Niall and Louis agree that they'll stay in today and do things around the house while Hannah and I go and get their room ready. I walk into the cupboard at the end of the hallway and grab clean bedsheets. I pass the pillow cases to Hannah while I put the white duvet cover onto the duvet and pull it over the pillows. I pick up the blanket from the floor and put it on the end of the bed. You can tell we are very tidy since we haven't cleaned that room since Liam stayed her 2 weeks ago and we are only doing it now. We collet their bags and put them into the rooms by the wardrobes and then walk back out. Before going back to the living room we run upstairs so I could go into mine and Niall's bedroom and pick up my bag and my phone. I follow Hannah out of the room and back down the stairs. We walk down the hallway into the lounge and I pull my shoes on. I walk over to Niall and kiss him softly before Hannah and I leave in my car to Oxford Street.

We stop at Urban Outfitters and pick up a few things as well as toyshop and yet again the disney store. I buy a few disney teddies to put in some of the spare bedrooms since all the beds have on them is plain white sheets and a blanket. We decide to shop for another 2 hours or so and then we head back after stopping at waitrose to buy some milk since we ran out this morning. We pull up back to the house and I get out with half of the bags in hand. I lock my car and dump the bags inside. Niall and Louis both weren't in the living room so I guess they've gone out for something. Hannah and i go unto mine and Niall's room to drop off the bags and drop her bags in one of the other spare rooms so the one that they're sleeping in doesn't get too cluttered. I walk into our room and put the bags in the bottom left of the wardrobe since Niall's is the right and mine is the left. I sit down on the bed and take my shoes off before sliding them under the bed and hanging my jacket off. I pick up a hair tie off of the table. I take my long hair in my hands and the next thing I know is that I'm back on the bed because Niall and Louis jumped out and Niall jumped onto the bed.

"Did I scare you Princess?" Niall pouts, hovering over me.

"Close enough" I reply with a smile. He kisses me slowly and Louis walks out after saying something about being 'smoushy'. We walk back into the lounge and order our Chinese from the takeaway. We continue the movie from earlier and I gradually fall asleep in Niall's arms.


Hey, that was chapter 9, I hope you liked it,

Happy Perfect day!!!! The song is literally perfect.

Until the next chapter.

Kiss me, I'm Irish (Niall Horan)Where stories live. Discover now