8. Sudden Turn Of Events

Start from the beginning

Caroline exited her room in an emerald green, strapless dress that she’d found hidden  away in the chest at the foot of her half-a-century old four-poster bed.

Kol stood outside the door waiting to escort her downstairs, but he couldn’t seem to steer his eyes away from her. He looked like a lost puppy. It was as if he were in a trance.

“Hello? Earth to Kol,” Caroline giggled as she waved her hand in front of his face, waiting for him to snap back to reality to realize he’d been staring.

“Sorry Caroline. It’s just... you look extravagant, darling.”

“Don’t you mean the dress?” Her eyes narrowed at him but then her brows contradicted her eyes.

“No, that’s certainly not what I meant.”

Caroline had a hard time believing all of this. First Klaus was lurking around Mystic Falls trying to get Caroline to fall for him, and now Kol was giving her compliments. Next thing she knew, Elijah would be waiting in her bed when she returned later tonight. She shuddered at the thought. Elijah was the most sincere one of them all, but she certainly was not interested.

“What’s with you Mikaelsons and your fixation with me? I’m nothing special.”

“Don’t you see it? Caroline, you’re breathtakingly beautiful. I see exactly why my brother cares for you so much.”

Caroline felt a slight blush come to her cheeks. Deep down she could see that Kol was just as capable as Klaus when it came to being sweet, and she appreciated the fact that for once he was being real with her.

“Let’s... let’s just go,” she decided quickly and walked passed Kol, down the stairs to the front door.

Kol and Caroline were walking through the streets of New Orleans, arms intertwined. Kol had felt the need to walk around where everyone could see her. He wanted to show her off to everyone they passed as if she were some kind of trophy put on display. He just couldn't help but want to share her beauty with the rest of the world.

"So, where are you taking me anyway?" Caroline finally piped up after what seemed like an hour of walking in silence.

"A place where you're sure to have fun."

"Come on, Kol. Can't I have a straight answer from you for once?"

Kol smirked slightly, eyes now wandering to meet hers. "Is that what you want?"

"Yes! Of course it is!" she exclaimed, rolling her eyes at him. Of course she'd wanted a straight answer. Kol's mind games were often a nuisance to her.

"Fine," he sighed with defeat. "I'm taking you to a club."

Caroline couldn't help herself when a grin the size of Europe spread across her face. She'd never been to a club before. She loved parties and drinking, so this should be about the same, right?

The music blared throughout the building and there was enough skin to skin contact in there to last a lifetime. Caroline grinned furiously at Kol, eyes crinkling at the corners as she squealed with excitement. After a few minutes she had found her way over to the bar counter, compelling her way through at least three bottles of bourbon.

Crowds of people were dancing around her and a few guys had even joined her, taking a few swigs from her bottle. Caroline was having the time of her life, as much as she hated to even think that was possible. The music fueled her as if it were giving her life again. It was crazy to think that a night as simple as this could possibly feel this great. Being stuck in a small town like Mystic Falls was comfy for her as a human, but now that she was a vampire she needed to get out, experience new things, live a life of excitement and adventure. She remembered Klaus telling her this before, that she would get tired of her small town life with her small town boy. Slowly she was beginning to see that The Mikaelsons could give her that, let her experience things she'd always wanted to do. They may not have been her favourite people in the world, but she knew that no one else was fit for the job like they were.

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