A knock on the door soon broke the silence. Gesturing for the shadow to come in , Lauren lifted the pillow off the ground and walked over to the door.
A man whom I recognised as a Bryan opened the door.
" Hi, Lauren, I was just wonder-" Glancing over at me, he continued " Oh hi Emily, I didn't realise you were in here. I was just wondering if you would be staying any longer because I was just locking up but if you wish to stay a little bit longer , I could give you a key to lock up?"
Glancing around the room, Lauren replied " Err no, I think that's us finished up now right Em?"
"Yeah sure. If you feel satisfied with the track, we can leave yeah." I answered.
Bryan said " That's great. Take your time because I have to switch everything off and lock everything up."
Closely the door behind him, Lauren stated " Look's like that's our clue to leave then."
Gathering up her belongings, Lauren walked over by the doorway and switched off the lights.
I got off the seat and walked out of the door. As soon as Lauren had locked the door , we walked down the hallway in silence. Returning the key at the reception, we walked outside.
The cool air soon hit us. The stars sat glistening in the night sky.
" Hey, my car's over this way. Are you ok for a ride?" Lauren asked.
Pulling out my phone , I looked up and replied " Yeah, I just gotta call Max and he should be here soon." I smiled gesturing at my phone.
" No wait. Why don't I leave you home yeah? It will save Max coming to collect you." Lauren replied.
I smirked. " Are you sure that's not just an excuse to see where I live so you can stalk me?"
" Oi, I was just trying to be nice and offer up a good gesture but if that's the way you want to play it , fine by me" And with saying that, Lauren started to walk away.
Laughing I jogged up behind her. " I was just joking. I never knew The " Lauren Jauregui" could be nice. But I'll take you up on that offer."
Stopping in her tracks, Lauren turned around to face me.
" Don't push your luck Lovato." She remarked pointing her finger to my chest and getting closer to me. By now , we were almost eye level considering I'm 5 ft 3 and roughly guessing , Lauren looked about 5ft 5/6.
All of a sudden a loud squeal had broke the tension.
Turning around to face where the sound had come from, I knew instantly I had made a mistake.
Two girls had broken into a run and were quickly approaching our position.
A few muffles had broken out and the squeal had returned.
" Shit shit shit. Right ok we have two options. One- Run like fuck into my car. Or the second. Stay here , take pictures but also have the possibility of having rumours spread."
Looking over my shoulder, she sighed." Option two it is. "
Turning around I saw the two girls by our side.
" Hi! OMG. Can you believe this Lucy?! I told you I saw Lauren walk into the studio!" A high pitched voice came from a tall , blonde girl.
" Hi! Would you like a picture?" Lauren questioned.
Whoaa, her attitude can change from 10 to 0 in seconds.
" Yes! Please! You really don't know how much I love you! I have followed you around since the X Factor! OMG! My friends are gonna be so jealous!" Said the other girl.
Noticing the girl I assumed was called Lucy was standing off to one side, I smiled over at her. With her petite frame, she looked intimidated by her other forward friend.
A small voice soon broke and she nervously asked " Would you mind if I could get a picture with you?"
I smiled " Yeah of course!"
Walking over to her, I slung my arm over her shoulder.
" You want me to take the picture?" I asked.
She replied " Yes please, if you don't mind."
" No of course not." I smiled and took her phone off her.
Holding the camera out, we both smiled and I took the photo. Handing the phone back to her, I realised Lauren had finished taking the photo with her other friend.
We swapped positions and I took the photograph with the friend.
Finishing up, the girls were saying their goodbyes when the outspoken friend asked.
" Hey, so what were you guys doing in that studio together anyway?" Gesturing over to the studio we had just come out of.
Knowing Lauren wanted to keep her music a secret, I replied
" I invited Lauren to come listen to some music I've been working on." I replied and smiled over at Lauren. Relief had spilled her anxious looking face.
" Oh right. So are you working on some music of your own or are you helping your mom? By the way I absolutely adore your mom! We have tickets to see her show next week!" The friend replied excitedly.
I smiled. " I'm not too sure yet who the music is for yet.I might see you guys there then! I'll keep an eye out for you."
Suddenly a ringtone started to ring.
" Lucy, that's probably my dad telling us he's here now. Thank you guys for stopping to take a picture with us but we have to go now. Bye! See you hopefully next week!"
And with that, they waved goodbye and turned their backs and started to walk the way they came from.
" That surprisingly wasn't as bad as I expected it to be' Lauren remarked walking over to her car. Gesturing to get into the passenger side , I hopped in.
" Yeah, I thought that they would have pressed a button and all her friends would have appeared from like the shadows." I laughed.
" The Lord was on our side tonight I guess. Seriously though, you know what those guys are like. They see two people together and automatically assume they are dating." Lauren stated.
" Tell me about it. I know all about that. So anyway" I replied with smirk and looked over at Lauren. " Who are you dating right now?"
Making quick eye contact with me and then returning her stare to the road, she replied " No one. Why do you assume I'm dating anyone?"
" Oh that's good. Shit, no, I didn't mean that. Haha." I blurted out. With a grin, looking glanced over at me and let out a not so subtle giggle.
" Noooo" I laughed, " I didn't mean it like that. I just assumed a pretty girl like you would be taken."
With that again, Lauren let out a laugh. "Pretty girl huh?"
" Oh shut up. Take the next left." I said.
" I'm so pumped I get to see where Demi lives" remarked Lauren.
" Huh. So yeah, don't bother about me. I didn't just save you back there in front of them girls or nothing. Just go back to fan girling over my mom and don't mind me." I said turning my back and looking out the window smirking.
" Hey, I was just kidding. And thank you by the way. I would have just froze back there and probably gave myself away. Hey Emily."
Noticing the car had come to a stop, I felt a hand on my shoulder. Turning around, Lauren was staring at me.
" Hey , I'm sorry I-"
" Haha! I was just kidding! Why did you stop the car?" I questioned with a confused look on my face.
" Errr, well, I don't know which turn to take now." She sheepishly replied.
" And there was me thinking you were concerned for hurting my feelings." I said. " Keep going straight and take the next right."
Glancing down at my phone , I realised it was near 11:30. Texting my mom, I told her I was on my way home.
The car came to a stop again.
" Right, now I just need you to tell me where your house is." Said Lauren.
Looking up I realised we were on my street.
" Ok, keep going straight. It's near the bottom of the street." I replied.
The street looked eerily at night but I knew this neighbourhood was filled with security cameras and most of the people living here with elderly people.
" Ok, it's the next house here on the right." I gestured out the window.
Pulling up, Lauren parked outside the security gates. Punching in the security code, the gates slowly opened and I waved into the camera knowing Max was probably standing guard.
Lauren drove up the driveway and pulled up in front of the front porch.
" Whoa, this house is impressive." Lauren stated whilst looking in awe and taking in her surroundings.
" Yeah it's ok. It's a bit big considering there's like three of us mostly but yeah it's nice I guess." I replied. " Hey, you wanna come in?
Looking down at her phone, the home screen flashed up reading 23:35. " I wish! But I should be getting back. The girls will be wondering where I am. " Lauren replied looking a bit gutted.
" Well maybe another time yeah? But please try not to fan girl over my mom. I might have to kick you out. " I laughed.
Looking up, Lauren replied. " I'll hold you to that then haha. And I'll try my best around your mom. You know if it wasn't for her, Fifth Harmony wouldn't exist. So I have every right to act grateful around her. To even think I'm sitting in her driveway right now, I'll admit I'm low-key freaking out."
" Well if you really really want I can bring her out?" I smirked.
" You do that and I'll not even give you time to leave the car , I'll just drive on." Remarked Lauren.
" Alright simmer down." I laughed. " But what I can do is get you tickets to see her show next week in downtown LA if you're up for it?" I asked.
" If that means hanging out with you, I think I'll think about it." Smirked Lauren.
Nudging her shoulder I laughed " Cheeky enough now Jauregui. But I gotta go. Max will probably think I'm getting held hostage by some crazy fan. Well actually now to think about it, It's quite true."
Laughing I opened the passenger side door to get out.
" Oi! You're lucky this place is rigged with security cameras or I'd get out of this car and hold you hostage for being so damn cheeky!" Shouted Lauren from the car.
I giggled " Oh fiesty! Just what I like! I'll say you tomorrow Jauregui." And with that I closed the door and walked around to the porch.
Rolling down her window, Lauren called from the window. " Oh, so it's a date then?"
" what?" I laughed. " If meeting you and the girls tomorrow at the studio is a date, then consider it a date!" I chuckled.
" Fuck, I forgot we're in the studio tomorrow. Shut it Lovato. I guess I'll see you tomorrow then?" Remarked Lauren.
" Bright and early to see your lovely faces!" I grinned. " Text me to let me know you got home ok. I'll open the gates to let you out."
" Concerned for my safety now?" Said Lauren in a low husky voice.
" BYE JAUREGUI!" I shouted ignoring her comment and waved goodbye.
Entering in the security password, I opened the front door and was greeted by a hyper little furball.
" Hi Batman!" Picking him up, I walked over to the kitchen and pushed the buzzer to let Lauren out of the gates.
Walking into the empty living room, I realised that my mom and Wilmer were still out so I walked upstairs to my bedroom. Turning on the light, I walked over to my bed to get my pyjamas and entered the bathroom to get changed. After changing, I brushed my teeth and headed over to my bed. Plugging my phone in to the charger, I noticed I got a text. Opening my phone it read:
Lauren J : hey, it's me. Just letting you know i got home ok and wasn't attached by any crazy fans that were lurking in your driveway. 🙈
Me : that's good. Considering I was referring to you as the crazy fan earlier , I'm glad to hear no one else was in my garden. 😂
Lauren J : cheeky enough 🖕watch your back Lovato tomorrow. Goodnight! Sleep tight, considering it's gonna be a long day tomorrow! 😴 night! x
Me : Oh don't you worry. I'm looking forward to our 'date' tomorrow 😚 goodnight x

Putting my phone down on my nightstand, I went and got Batman from downstairs. Grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge, I headed back up to my room and placed Batman on my bed and hopped in.
" It's gonna be a long day tomorrow in the studio, so I better get some sleep." I thought. Setting my alarm for 7:30 on my phone, I turned on my side and snuggled into Batman.
" Sleep tight lil man" I said and I soon drifted off to sleep.

Behind Closed Doors - Demi Lovato / Lauren Jauregui / YouWhere stories live. Discover now