Kuroko Tetsuya

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You attend Serin Academy you help out with the boys basketball team. You've known Kuroko since you were both fairly young you went to the same elementary school, so you're both really good friends. I guess you could say you've always had a slight crush on Kuroko and he knows it too. You aren't the one that told him though Kagami Tagai did he's your brother and a jackass. You and your brother are very close you keep each other's secrets and can trust each other with anything. When you decided to tell Kagami about liking Kuroko he couldn't keep his big mouth shut and blabbed in the locker room. You were so embarrassed you couldn't talk to Kuroko like normal anymore. Every time you were around him all you could do was blush. You didn't know why but whenever you were close to him your heart would pound, you would blush and you turned into a stuttering mess. As you sat watching practice from your normal spot on the bleachers Kuroko snuck up on you attempting to scare you. The fact is you are the only one Kuroko has never scared. He can't use his special talent on you its never worked once.

"Hey (Y/N) are you busy after practice I wanna talk?" He said sitting down next to you and you couldn't help but blush when he slightly smiled. You were the only one who could get him to actually smile.

"N-no I-I'm not b-busy." You stuttered heart pounding.

"Great meet me at my house after this alright?" He said standing up and heading back to practice trying not to let you notice the slight blush spread across his cheeks. Now your heart was really racing as thoughts ran through your head of what he wanted to talk about.

The time flew by and practice was over as you stood up and collected your things you ran into your brother.

"Hey (Y/N) your going to Kuroko's right? Cause I'm spending the night at Himuro's place and mom doesn't want you home alone so would you ask if you could spend the night there?" He said handing me a charger so my phone wouldn't die while I was there and heading to Himo-Chan's. Just then Kuroko came around the corner.

"(Y/N) hey your brother told me you should probably spend the night I'm fine with that of you wanna."

"Oh, y-yeah m-my mom doesn't want me home alone so..."

"It's fine you can just stay over." He said walking past me and heading to his house. On the way we talked any laughed at the stupidest things until we go to his door he stopped talking and unlocked the door. As I stepped inside I forgot how big his apartment was as you were looking around you heard the door lock and turn around to Kuroko standing only a foot away.

"Um K-Kuroko?" You stuttered blushing because of how close you were.

"(Y/N) there's a reason I asked you to come over. I-I um..." He began stuttering just as badly as you were. As he took a deep breath he began again. "I wanted you to come over cause I needed to tell you I really like you
(Y/N)-Chan I-I have for a really long time and I didn't know how to say it." As you stood there shock that the only guy you'd ever had a crush on liked you back he looked at you and then suddenly leaned in and kissed you. You were so shocked you didn't know what to do so you just closed your eyes and wrapped your arms around his neck. When you finally broke away to breath after what seemed like forever you noticed you were no longer standing at the base of the spiral staircase you were in Kuroko's room.

"K-Kuroko I..." You were cut of by Kuroko doing something unexpected he embraced you and buried his face into the crook of your neck as he started poking around with his tongue trying to find your spot. You tried to keep your building moans inside but one slipped when he found your spot and bit down gently.

"Ah Kuroko mmmh." As you muttered his name you bit down on your lip. Noticing he lightly pushed you back on the bed kissing you deeply. He licked your lip asking for entrance which you playfully denied. He opened one eye slightly as his hands trailed up your body removing your shirt. Without leaving your lips he slowly started grouping your breasts causing you to gasp slightly giving him just enough room for him to slip his tongue in your mouth. You moaned softly as he licked your hard pallet and behind your top teeth. You were very ticklish and he knew this and used it to his advantage but in this case it didn't tickle it made you want more and he rubbed his hands down your back and unclasping your bra. As he did this he pulled back from your lips as a strand of saliva trailed down connecting your lips to his. Wiping it away he began pinching and pulling on your hard nipples causing you to grip the sheets slightly and gasp as moans escaped your mouth

"(Y/N)-Chan, have you ever done this before?" He said with a small smirk making you blush.

"N-no ah." You said in between moans because he was still playing with your nipples. As he smirked he lowered his mouth to one of your buds and flicked it with his tongue then put is mouth on it and began to suck and bit at it while managing the other with a free hand. With the other hand he trailed down to your skirt and lifted it pushing your panties to the side he teased your entrance making a countless amount of moans escape your mouth. You were in pure ecstasy your mind was foggy and you couldn't wait any longer. He was still fully clothed and you were practically naked. You started rubbing your legs together trying to create some kind of friction to keep from loosing your mind. Kuroko noticed and stuck two fingers deep inside you and began to wiggle them around and scissored them to stretch you out. You screamed out and clung onto the front of Kuroko's shirt.

"K-Kuroko p-please." You muttered gasping for air as you came on his hand. He looked at you as he brought his fingers up to his mouth and licked them clean very sensually. He slowly took of his shirt reveling his toned body and abs. As he sluggishly removed his belt and slid off his jeans he pulled down his boxers and readied his fully erect cock at your entrance and looking at you for permission. You barely nodded as he thrusted into you causing you to scream loudly, as you bit down oh your wrist and tears began to fall down your cheeks Kuroko kissed the tears away and held you until you felt the pain slowly fade away. You squirmed a little to see if there was any pain left and there wasn't so you looked at Kuroko and nodded your head again slightly as began to slowly thrust in and out. As he went faster and faster you covered your mouth to try and muffle the moans. When Kuroko noticed he moved your hand and began pounding into you showing no mercy. You could feel him going in deeper and deeper you felt as if you were being torn to shreds you thought you would burst. And he began getting sloppier with his thrusts you could feel him begin to twitch which meant he was about to cum. You were about to say something when Kuroko interrupted.

"(Y-Y/N)-Chan I ah I'm about to cum, do you want it i-in or out?" He said panting as he continued to thrust into you. You were so caught up in your ecstasy you didn't realize how badly you needed to come too.

"K-Kuroko I-I..." You didn't get to finish when you clamped around him and came causing him to come inside you as you felt his hot semen squirt into your womb you felt warm and happy. The man you loved obviously felt the same way and you were so happy.

"Mmmh (Y-Y/N) I love you." He whispered collapsing on your chest. When you moaned again he apologized and tried to get up but you pulled him back down and planted a deep kiss on his lips.

"I love you too Kuroko." You said parting with a smile. He wrapped his arms around you and crawled off of you laying beside you in the bed and pulling to covers over you and cradling you close to his chest. As you fell asleep you heard a clap of thunder that instantly shook you awake. Not may people know but you're terrified of thunder storms, the reason being because it reminds you of how your father was killed. You were with him when he died it was night time and he was picking you up from a friends house after you got sick and on the way home two men confronted him and tried to kidnap you. Obviously your father wasn't going to sit back and watch that happen and trying to protect you he took two bullets to the chest and died in the hospital the next day. So thunder reminds you of the gunfire that killed your dad. Kuroko new this and was awake as soon as the first clap hit. He held you close as you shook. When another sounded you clung to him and began to cry as the memories were brought back.

"(Y/N), (Y/N)! Lean your head on my chest, close your eyes, and listen to my voice, ok?" He said as you did exactly what he said he began humming a small song your dad taught you. Kuroko knew this was the lullaby your dad sang to you before bed and thought it would work now. He was all too right as you laid there listing to his voice, his heart, his breathing, you slowly began to drift off to sleep. When you woke the next morning you stayed with Kuroko until late afternoon and said your goodbyes. When you got home you were greeted by your brother standing in the living room by the couch.

"Soo~?" He sang. "Did you have fun last night." As you stood there petrified he began laughing.

"H-how'd, you, what?" You stuttered blushing wildly.

"Ha Kuroko told me everything. I was worried last night when the storm hit and I called him and he told me. Don't worry your secret's safe with me, but I'm defiantly telling mom you have a boyfriend." As he laughed and turned away you felt so embarrassed as you went to your room and spent the rest of the day talking to Kuroko.

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