Chapter 2

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A/N: Hey you guys!

I'm actually really excited about this story! I don't know if I'm the only one, but good enough for me XD I've written like 4 chapters already!

Question of the Chapter is at the bottom as always so leave your answer in the comments down below.

2 votes until next chapter!

Vote! Comment! Fan! Enjoy!


***Hunter's POV***

A loud buzz beside my ear woke me up. Groaning, I slapped my hand down on my alarm clock, effectively shutting it up and leaving a faint ring in my ears. God I hated that alarm clock.

I sat up and yawned, stretching my arms out wide and rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. Why did school have to be so god damned early? It should be illegal to have to get up before ten, but here I was, up at dicks o'clock in  the morning to go learn stuff I probably didn't need to know. Great. 

I hauled myself to my feet and groggily made my way over to my dresser to grab a random pair of jeans and a faded ACDC t-shirt so I could take a shower. No one else was awake yet, so I tiptoed out of my room and down the hall to the bathroom. I was surprised to find light already flooding out from the crack underneath the locked door. I heard the shower running already so someone was obviously already in there - and I had a good guess who. 

I knocked softly on the door, not really expecting a response. None came. I knocked a little louder this time and called out, "Gryffin?". Still nothing. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair in frustration, forgetting in the moment that I'd cut it short recently. I went back to my room and changed into my new clothes, knowing full well that I wasn't going to get a chance to shower before school. Gryffin had an odd habit of taking showers at least three times a day and spending hours locked in the bathroom. I thought maybe he was OCD but he just didn't seem the type.

I shoved any thought of my brother to the back of my mind and quietly went downstairs to eat before I left. I just grabbed a Pop-Tart out of the cupboard and stretched out across the couch to watch some TV since I had some extra time. I watched an episode of Spongebob since there wasn't really much on - it was a re-run, but I could watch the same episode over and over again becausethis show was just that awesome. After the credits started to roll, I turned off the TV and got up to finish getting ready for school.

I got upstairs just in time to see Gryffin's door shut loudly. I sighed and kept walking down the hall to the bathroom; I hadn't seen my brother in days, or talked to him - I mean, really talked - in weeks. 

I fixed my hair in the mirror and brushed my teeth. I didn't bother rushing since I was still ahead of schedule thanks to my brother hogging the bathroom. I left the bathroom and went to grab my phone out of my room to check the time; 7:45. It was about a half-hour walk to school, so I was still a bit early, but not too bad. Shoving my phone in my pocket, I jogged downstairs and grabbed my school bag off the back of one of the dining room chairs and slipped on a pair of red converse. I spared a glance at the beaten up, worn black converse that sat lifelessly beside mine and a wave of sadness immediately over took me.

 I shook my head quickly to clear it, then left the house.


"Hunter!" I glanced up at the sound of my name and grinned when I saw my best friend charging at me, arms open wide. I waited for her to slow down, but when I realized she wasn't going to, my eyes widened and I held my hands up to protect myself.

"No no no n-" I was cut off as she tackled me to the floor. I landed on my back with her straddling my stomach, smirking playfully down at me. Pain shot through my back and I cursed under my breath.

"I've missed you!" she chirped. I just groaned in pain and shoved her off my chest.

"God damn it, Allison!" I pushed myself off the floor with a wince and Allison got up too, just rolling her eyes at me.

"I'm not that heavy!" she pouted as I rubbed my shoulder. I bit back a smirk - yeah, I was being a little over-dramatic to tease her, but damn did that hurt!

"Well-" I began but she hit my arm and I chuckled. She really wasn't heavy at all. She was a few inches shorter than me, but was thinner than most of the girls I've seen. Her chocolate brown hair usually framed her heart-shaped face, but it was tied up in a messy bun today. Her brown eyes were bright and cheerful as always, with a teasing glint in them. She wasn't wearing any make-up, which I honeslty preferred on her and she was wearing those huge, geeky-hipster glasses. "Let me guess...You were running late again?" I asked, eyeing her oversized hoodie, green fuzzy pajama pants with cupcakes printed all over them and brown Ugg boots. 

"Pffft! Me? Late? Never!" she denied, looking awkwardly away. I laughed and rolled my eyes; she was always either way too late or way too early. I get her a watch for christmas every year but it always gets lost a week later. I loved her, but she was the most scatter-brained person I've ever met and had the attention span of a gnat.

"Mhmm. Sure," I agreed, with a knowing smirk and she stuck her tongue out at me.

"Shut up. Do we have homeroom together again?" I nodded.

"I would assume so." I checked the time on my phone; 8:23. "We should go get our schedule before classes start. Allison nodded and hooked her arm through mine. A lot of our other friends thought we were a couple and just wouldn't tell them, but in reality we were just really close; I always had my arm around her shoulder or we held hands most of the time, but we were just friends. Yeah, she was cute and all, and I thought about asking her out when we met, but I was still pretty shy back then. Now we were just too deep into our friendship to even try dating.

"How's Gryffin been? I haven't seen him in ages," Allison spoke, pulling me from my thoughts and bringing me back to reality. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair out of habit, but dropped it when I remembered I couldn't do that anymore. We walked into homeroom then and she dropped my arm as we waited in line for our schedule. 

I gave her a small, sad smile and replied, "He's Gryffin."



Question of the Chapter:

What do you think of Allison?

2 votes until next chapter!

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