Chapter 18

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***Month and a half later***

***Allison's POV***

The bell rang loudly, dismissing us from school, but as my fellow students hurriedly packed their bags and dashed out of the room, I simply slumped further down in my seat. I didn't want to go home. I didn't want to go anywhere, not that I really had anywhere to go. I didn't have any friends to hang out with, so I've been stuck at home for the past six weeks, listening to my parents fight. I didn't even know they were having issues, but I guess I must've been out with Hunter more often than I thought. It was even worse how they knew that I heard every word they yelled at each other, but still acted like they were the happiest couple in the world when I was around. So needless to say, I hated being home. 

"Are you okay, Ms. Baites?" I looked up to find Mr. Reynolds, my math teacher, hovering over me. He was a grumpy old teacher, but he was actually pretty funny and taught his lessons so you'd actually understand it.

I nodded and grudgingly pushed away from my desk. "Yeah, I'm fine. I just have to wait for someone," I lied easily. Mr. Reynolds nodded.

"Alright. I have a meeting in 5 minutes though so-"

"Yeah, I'm leaving," I cut him off. "I'll see you on Monday." 

"Have a good weekend." I mumbled a response and picked my bag up off the floor to sling over my shoulder and leave the class. The halls were nearly empty already, with a few students hanging out and talking to friends. I stopped by my locker to put my books back since I didn't feel like carrying them home; It wasn't like I was going to study anyway.

So I tugged on my watermelon sweater, grabbed my phone and keys then shut my locker and left the building. It was the day before Halloween, but it still wasn't cold. I missed the cold weather of Canada.

I pulled out my phone and checked the screen, not surprised to find no messages or calls. I don't know why I was disappointed that Gryffin didn't try to talk to me since the last day we hung out. He did say that he wanted me to leave him alone. And I did. It was kind of hard at first, but eventually I just gave up. It still sucked every time I checked for non-existent messages though. 

Even though I purposely took my time walking, I was home way too soon. If I had anywhere else to go, I would've turned right around and left, but unfortunately this was my only option. I could hear the shouting through the door, and I sighed to myself. Here we go

The second I opened the door, the voices of my parents died down. I stepped inside to find my parents standing next to each other in the living room, smiling at me, their faces red and their eyes filled with annoyance that they both tried miserably to cover up.

"Hey, baby, how was your day?" My mother asked, her voice sickly sweet. I held back the urge to roll my eyes at her; yeah, I've become kind of bitchy over the past six weeks, sue me.

"Fine," I sighed, kicking off my shoes.

"Are you going out tonight?" My dad asked. They were always trying to get me out of the house so they could go at each other again. But where was I supposed to go?

"No," I snapped moodily. He mumbled something under his breath about "time of the month" and I almost slapped him right then and there......huh, maybe he was right....

"Okay, why don't you go do your homework, sweetie, and I'll make you something to eat?" I nodded and ran up the stairs without hesitation, shutting my bedroom door on the angry whisper-shouts of my parents. Of course, I didn't actually have any homework to do, so I just lay on my bed, took out my phone and opened my Fruit Ninja app, attempting to ignore the voices downstairs that were gradually getting louder and louder.

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