Chapter 11

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Atlaaaaaast weekend!! O thanku thanku thanku god! This week was hectic!! Hate monthly tests! Well now i am relaxing and writing this chapter hope you find it good=) fan and vote please....!!!

Enjoy chapter 11^_^

I made some distance between me and him so that he dont try anything on me. Well yeah i dont trust him! He was giving me an ammused look like i have gone partially or i think completely insane. Thats not half a lie. "well julie this is jeremy" jenni indicated the boy sitting next to amy the one with black hair. He waved at me like i am sitting far away from him. Looking at him i suddenly thought that he is a twin of amy, insane like her. "this is my twin sister katy(girl sitting next to keith), troy her boyfriend(the boy which was with neil in the hall)" they both smiled at me. Aww! Why are they all so beautiful! They should be models! "and i presume you know neil already" she added with a stupod smile that reflects i-gotcha! "unfortunately" i mumbled. They caught that and suddenly burst into laughter. Neil was frowning at me. I smiled evily at him.

"well ju what do you possess?"troy asked. I broke my gaze with neil and faced him "uh?". He rolled his eyes "your gift? Your power? Your ability? Your element? Your-" i interrupted "ok ok i get it" they are really immature. Especially jeremy who was stuffing his mouth with everything from everyones tray. And amy was looking at him love strucked. They will make a perfect and hell annoying pair.

"its fire" as soon as i said it seemed like a bomb exploded on them. Jeremy chocked at his food, keith and troy stopped whatever they were doing and were gaping at me with their mouth open. Well i got to say that was a funny outcome. Katy and jennis eyes looked like they will bulge out of their sockets because thats how they were looking at me. But nobody could ever beat the face expression on neil, which was damn funny! He looked at me wide eyed, with his mouth hanging open and his burger halfway to the mouth. I really wanted to snap his picture and upload it on facebook. I supressed the laugh which was threatining to come out. Jeremy looked at me with watery eyes "fire?" he croaked.

"yeah whats the big deal?" i asked looking at all of them. "big deal?!" jenni was first to recover from this shock "girl you have the strongest power ever found in the world!!"

"yeah nobody has it for centuries! You are really unique ju" troy added. "unique? Maybe you have got it all wrong maybe somewhere in the world someone must have it" i asked.

"no our sir. Hugo knows all about the new born gifted childs in the world and you are the only one with this power." keith said. "i must say that i am quite jealous of you" he added with the wink.

"can i get your autograph?" jeremy said making a puppy dog face. I looked at him like he is gone insane or what? "what?" i asked. "sorry about him he really hit his hard in the childhood so his brain is a little bit or i must say completely disabled" katy said rolling her eyes. "but he is cute anyways" amy said looking at him and blushing a little. Wow! They will make a great insane pair.

I looked at all of them "well what do you guys possess?". "i am a healer. I can heal anyone and can also take their power away for few minutes" jenni said. "well i am a runner. I can run really really fast" katy said winking at me. "i can shoot lazer from my eyes whenever i want to" keith added. "i can control air. Its one of the great gifts" troy said wriggling his finger to cause a air to blow my hair. I smoothed my hair down and frowened at him. He just smiled at me draping his arm on he shoulder of katy.

"i have cuteness power" jeremy added with an innocent face. He is really weird. He began laughing at my face expression "you are cute ju. I think i may began to like you" he looked pointedly at neil who was shooting daggers at him. I get it! He like to get under the skin of neil. "i can shoot spikes from my hand. I should warn you they are really dangerous" he added with a whisper. I rolled my eyes like iam going to fight with him. "and you?" i looked at neil.

My Burning SoulOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora