Chapter 26

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Heck sorry for late upload!!! Damn surrounded by loads of tests…..=(

Anyways enjoy chapter 26^_^

I opened my eyes and saw the sun shining outside. I checked the time and it was already 6 am. Almost 1 hour is left till we all head out to our final destiny. My stomach tightened about thinking battle. Last day was enjoyable and fun with friends. It almost felt like nothing is going to happen tomorrow. But now I realize that what we are going to face today. I looked at my ring, it was swirling with more brightness than before like it knows what is going to happen today. Riley has not contacted me or hurted me through our mind link thanks to this ring.

I turned to neil. He was looking at peace and calm. He looked so vulnerable. I never wanted him to be in danger but now I don’t know what will happen. I know he will do anything to protect me. And I will also never let anyone to lay a hand on him. But what if this is the last time we spend with each other. My stomach tightened with nervousness. I felt like throwing up. I carefully pried neils arm from my waist and ran to the bathroom, Bending over the toilet and holding on it for dear life. I emptied my stomach contacts in it and quickly flushed it away. I dropped down on my knees beside it hugging myself. I felt extremely nervous and weak.

“ju are you ok?” neil said. I looked up and he was standing in the door way looking at me worriedly. I nodded in return. He came towards me and sat beside me pulling me to his chest. I suddenly felt wetness on my cheek. I didn’t know when I started crying. Neil let me cry and gave me time to calm myself down. I felt myself shivering. Neil tightened his grip on me like he was afraid to let me go. I looked up at his face. He was looking ahead with millions of feelings passing in his face but his expression was completely blank. Was he thinking the same thing I am thinking?

Neil felt me staring at him. He turned towards me. The most dominant feeling in his eyes was love. He laid his hand on my cheek. I closed my eyes at his touch and leaned into his hand. He leaned forward and crashed his lips on mine, desperately kissing me like this was our last moment together. It frightened me more. I pulled him closer and kissing him desperately, Afraid to let him go. Tears were continuously rolling down my cheeks. He pulled back and wiped my tears with his thumb.

“ssh, I promise we all will make out of it fine and I promise I will never let you go ever. And I will do everything do to protect from those bastards. Trust me ju you are my life I will never let anything  happen to you even if it costs my life” he said.

“no neil don’t say that. I cant bear anyone else whom I loved leaving me behind in this cold world. I always want you by my side and I am sure we will make out of it together. No one can hurt us and no one can take you away from me. We all will be safe….”I replied cupping his face in my hands.

He smiled assuringly “we will ju. We will. Together we will take our revenge from him for doing this to us.” He hugged me tightly. I breathed in with new confidence and strength that as long as I have him by my side nothing can happen to us.

We pulled apart after what seem like forever. I pushed him away and stood up with a smile playing on my lips. “its getting late and we have to dress up and go down or else travis will kill us” I said to him poking my tongue at him. He chuckled standing up. He kissed my forehead and  went out of the bathroom.

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