Chapter 24

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hey y'all!!

 in this chp I am going to do the POVs of both julie and neil so hopefully it will be long. wont I get a whoop whoop by you?XP ok here it goes yaaaaaaaeeeeeeeeeee lolXD

enjoy chapter 24^_^


i pulled out my mobile from my pocket and send a text message to troy : urgent. dads office, tell all of them.

and I quickly teleported myself to dads office. dad was up and pacing his office and a grim looking travis was on mobile. I think they have got the news. after few seconds my friends burst into the office.

"what the hell happened? there is fire outside and the gate is melted down. some guards are knocked out and unconcious." jeremy asked which resulted into a bit of yelling.

i throw him a glare which shut him up. troy came forward and put his hand on my shoulder "is it what I think it is?" he asked quitely.

i nodded in reply. he sighed "i was afraid it might happen"

"would somebody care to tell us what the hell happened?" keith asked.

"julie ran away. trying to safe all of us while is the most stupidest thing ever cuz she has just started the bloody war" I replied, gritting my teeth. I cant believe julie is so stupid. riley is taking benefit out of my innocent julie, tricking her into the trap in which she fell. my anger was building partly because of riley partly because of riley. how can she do this? I took in deep calming breath to calm my freaking anger down. I sensed troy pulling his hand away because of my bosy have gone cold.

"calm down son" dad spoke up.

"how can I calm the hell down??!!! she has ran away trying to be hero and saving us while that is the stupidest thing!! how in the hell are we going to find her in this freaking country?!!" I yelled at him not caring if he is my father. travis came forward and slapped me across my face forcefully.

"come to your senses for god damn sake!" he yelled at me. this brought me back to my senses and I slumped down into the couch feeling drained out maybe it was because of the fact that my soulmate is away from me. I felt a gaping hole in me that was throbbing for not having julie by my side. jenni brought a glass of water for me which I took reluctantly than she sat beside me.

"we are not going to waste our time by arguing and fighting. we have to find a way to pinpoint her location." he said and then he turned towards me "seeing that you are her soulmate, maybe you can see or feel where she is? what she is feeling?"

"how? we havemt been intimate physically" I replied. as much I want to do that but this is not the time for both of us to do get romantic and forget about the world. jeremy snickered at me. I completely ignored him.

"but still you both have prophecy so it means that you were soulmate from the beginning. so maybe you can see where she is heading? its worth a try" dad replied.

"ok I will try" I closed my eyes and concentrated on julie. her beautiful hair, her deep brown eyes, her sweet aroma that always made me feel turn on, her sweet smile that made her look angelic and suddenly I am in julie. I saw where she was heading. she was in my car and was just leaving a petrol station. I saw the road sign which was pointing straight to nottingham. I opened my eyes and I was back in dads office. everyone was looking at me curiously.

i sucked in a deep breath and mutetered quitely "nottingham" why she had to go such a long distance? as soon as I said that dad began to planning her rescue "troy, keith, jeremy, neil and katy will go to take her back. travis you remain here incase riley plans to attack us" then he turned towards me "lead them well and dont let your anger take the best of you. as far as I can think riley is not stupid to reveal himself there. he most probably have sent his men to take her. dont kill them just try your best to flee them away and dont be harsh to julie"

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