Chapter 30

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Hiya ppl!!!

This is probably the last chapter of this story. I am really thankful to those ppl who have read it all along. Especially to hira who have been with me all along and encouraging me thanks a lot!! i am not sure if I will write its sequel or not. But there will be a little chance that I will write it. I hope you enjoyed it sorry for the mistakes I made cux after all it was my first attempt on story here. Well off to the last chapter!

Chapter 30^_^

I leaned on the shoulder of neil as we stood in front of travis grave. The flowers were still fresh around his grave since it was not too late we came down here. The grave was situated at the back of the school along with the graves of those people who have slayed their lives for the cause of humanity.  Travis was also among those heroes. The words written on his tombstone that  here lies Travis Hugo who gave up his life to save the world. May his soul rest in peace was still not registering in my mind. I have the feeling that he will come out from behind this tombstone flashing his dashing smile like he always do.

I could feel the calm breath of neil beside me. I could feel that he wants to let go of his feelings. He started forward towards the grave, I backed away a little to give him a room. He crouched down in front of the grave and layed the white rose on his grave.

“I just want to say I hate you brother for lying there beneath the sand like a coward. As far as I know you are not a coward. But you proved you are like I always teased you in childhood” neil let out a quite chuckle “bro anglena is going through a lot of mess without you. comeon get up and do what you were intend to do. I always hated this principleship and you know that! i cant handle it! comeon bro get up”

I felt him losing himself. Tears filled my eyes, I came forward and hugged him from behind. He grabbed my hands in his and leaned back. “shush neil, I am here” I whispered in his ear. He turned around and faced me. his face was tear stained, it was the first time I have seen him cry and it melted my heart.

“julie why him?” he asked like he was breaking away. Tears rolled on my cheeks. I held on him tightly. He rested his head in my lap, I didn’t speak anything and stroked his hair quietly. Tears continue rolling down my cheeks after a while neils breathing became steady and I knew he has gone to sleep. And I wished arian meet him in his dream and become a source of him meeting Travis.

Neil is already with Travis my love. toms voice came in my head.

I smiled and looked up at the sky and I am pretty sure he is looking at me right now.  How is he??


Who? Your new boyfriend or Travis?? Tom asked.

I rolled my eyes and I am pretty sure he chuckled tom I am asking about Travis.


He is alright just gloomy but I will make him alright because he will get a company of the awesome Tom he replied.

Don’t be such a show off Tom. Tell him that I say hi and I miss him. I told him.

He chuckled yeah sure I will. And FYI Neil is hot. Tom replied and I could feel him winking at me with a cute smirk.

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