Strange Dream

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Hey guys!

I am really sorry if i uploaded late i was a bit busy with college and everything and it takes a lot of time to write a chapter. Thanku for all those people who are reading my story but i also need feedback with it. The cover is made by my beloved friend and fan "AshnaAdnan". Thanku so much for this awesome cover. The picture on side is of julie who is "Victoria Justice".

Anyways enjoy the 3rd chapter^_^

I was bare footed and walking on something crunchy. I looked down there were leaves which looked like they were burned. I looked around myself, everything was black and ash was falling from the sky. It was soo much cold there. And I was just wearing a night gown. There was nothing else as far as I can see just burnt trees and ashes. Then I heared someone calling me. From the voice I can detect that whoever it is, is old. I started moving towards the source of voice it kept calling my name. Atlast I saw a small brigtness in front of me I quicly moved towards it. Then I saw there was a small fire going which offered warmth and light in this god awful place and an old man was lying beside it. He looked like he will die at any moment. I quickly went to him and supported his head with my hands.

"oh my god! Are u alright? Are you hurt?" i asked him anxiously.

"julie? Is that you?" he croaked opening his eyes a little and scanning my face.

"yes its me but what are you doing in this awful place alone? And who are you?" I asked him. His clothes were ripped and his face was dirty. His beared was full of ash.

" julie K am tired now I cant fight with all of this now. So I am giving it to you now" he croaked.

"fight with what? You are going to give me what?" I asked impatiently. "What is this place? Where am I?"

He ignored my question and lifted his hand. He had a ball which was swirling with bright yellow and reddish light it looked like fire. "its yours now dont use it in wrong ways I have hidden it from him for quite a long time now its yours use it in a good way and help humanity". He pulled back his hand and hit me with it square on chest it started going inside me. It hurted. I began shrieking. Its like my whole body was on fire I tried to get it out but it has become a part of me now. I saw light everywhere.

"use it in a good way and protect the world" I heared a distant voice.

"julie? Julie?!" I heared someone and whoever it was, shaking me.

"julie? Wake up!!" it was a familier voice. But I was in such pain and want to just sleep.

"julie its just a dream wake up love" again the same voice said. I started thinking who it was then it hit me its tom. And I remembered everything that I fainted in the parking lot of cinema. I suddenly sat up startling tom and looked around myself I was in my room. I looked down at my chest and touched it. It seemed fine. Thanks god it was just a dream but very weird dream but it seemed realistic.

"ju are you alright?" tom asked taking my hand in his.

"yes what exactly happened?" I asked.

"you fainted there on the parking lot i was very worried I took you to the hospital. You had a severe cold they had prescribed you some medicines than I took you back here. Your mum was really worried, she is making soup right now for you. And now before you woke up you were thrashing and shrieking. What did you saw?" he asked pulling me towards himself I rested my head on his chest and wounded my arms around him. I felt relaxed now.

"nothing it was just a bad dream" I replied closing my eyes. Just then the door opened and mum walked in carrying a bowl of soup.

"how are you feeling hon?" she asked sitting on a chair infront of me. She looked tired, wornout and worried.

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