Chapter 22

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hiya my lovely peeps!<3

the pic on the side is of “Drew Roy” who will play the role of keith. isnt he cute!! I know I know m awesome at choosing hot boys;) lol okay enough of my boasting lets go to the next chp!

enjoy chp 22^_^


I woke up with bell of my mobile. I quickly reached in my pocket and put it onto silent. I dont want ju to wake up. I checked the caller id and it was jeremy, I answered it

"What is it?" I whispered, not wanting to wake ju up with my voice.

"Uncle is calling for you." he said grimly. everyone was worried after what happened with ju.

"ok I will be there in a few" I sighed and ended the call.. I turned to face julie who was sleeping peacefully in my arms. I lightly stroked her hair . she was looking so peaceful and gorgeous. how can anyone think of hurting such an innocent girl. my blood boils at seeing her tattoo which that filthy riley branded on her arm. I was so afraid that I might lose her when I saw her on the grass in highly bruised state. I blame myself for that. I really want to kill camelia for doing this to her. and when julie was yelling in anguish I just wanted to do something to take away her pain but it was out of my hands. I slightly brushed her tattoo with my fingers and vowed to myself that I will kill riley painfully. I carefully extracted my arm from beneath her, careful not to wake her up. she had a long day and it was still night outside. she stirred a little and mumbled "neil" I smiled and kissed her forehead.

"i will be back in few minutes babe" I whispered to her. then I went out of the room, not wanting to leave her but I have to talk to dad about this whole problem. before leaving the hospital wing I instructed guards to remain alert and guard my soulmate like their life depended on it. I walked to the private block alarmed and concious about my surroundings. it was pretty quite. but I was relieved to see guards at every foot at the schools parameter. I extended my aura to check that the shields were intact and they ofcource were unharmed.

i entered the private block and walked along the corridor to my dads office. I opened the door and found dad, travis, anglena and all of my friends in deep discussion along with few of my dads trusted gifted people.

"comeon son have a seat" dad said. he was looking more wornout and tired then I have ever seen him before. I have never seen him like that, he is always fresh and happy. not like this. I think he needs my mum by his side. but my mum and my little sister are well protected living away from this school and its best for them.

"whats going on dad" I asked sitting on a chair beside travis.

"we are planning for the battling area where we should meet them and we come to a decision that it should be far away from school. we do not want to harm our students." travis replied.

"but how do we lure them into that ground. I bet riley is set up in destroying the school" I asked facing all of them.

"well thats the point that we cant sort out" troy replied plopping on a seat beside me.

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