
Mike and Kevin were handing the kids their cartons of eggs. Then the children sat down at the table where they would start to decorate. Mia and Emily helped the younger kids. "What color do you want this one?" Mia asked a little boy. He was about 2 and a half years old, with curly brown hair. "I want it like a firetruck." The boy said. "I like firetrucks." Mia smiled as she put the egg in the red dye. "I do too. Are you gonna be a firefighter when you grow up?" She asked. The boy gave her a big grin and nodded. Nearby, Emily was helping a little girl with braids pick a design to go on her egg. "Which one do you like?" Emily questioned. "I like all of them." The little girl replied. Emily chuckled. "Well how about you just choose one for now, and you can pick more after we finish this egg?" The girl nodded and pointed to a design. Emily put the strips of paper on the egg so that those spots would stay white. "What color?" She asked the girl. "Blue!" The child replied quickly. Emily laughed and put the egg in the blue dye.
After the kids finished dying all twelve of their eggs, they were sent over to Jayden and Antonio so that they could get their baskets for the egg hunt and their names on their carton of eggs. "What's your name buddy?" Antonio asked a boy who came up to the table. "Nicolàs." The kid replied. He was about 11, with spiky brown hair and brown eyes. Antonio took notice to the accent the boy put on the 'a'. "¿Hablo español amigo?" He asked. The boy nodded. "Sì. Mis padres eran de Columbia." He said. "¡Buen amigo!" Antonio replied. "¡Hasta pronto!" The boy waved goodbye and headed over to Jane. Jayden chuckled at Antonio. He turned back to his line of kids. "What's your name sweetie?" He asked. The girl was about six, with blue eyes and curly blonde hair. "Anna." She said, smiling. "Alright Anna," Jayden said, writing her name on the carton. "Why don't you head over to Jane and get ready for the hunt?" He handed her a basket and she skipped over to the egg hunt area.
Ji walked around handing each of his rangers a couple bottles of water. It was exceptionally hotter than it was the day before, and since they were in their suits, he didn't want them to get overheated or dehydrated. Needless to say, the bottles of water were drained in no time.
There were over sixty kids that had to get their eggs decorated, so the rangers were there for a while. "I'll be right back." Jayden said to Antonio. "Can you handle my line?" Antonio nodded and Jayden walked away.
When Jayden came out of the bathroom, he saw a boy sitting on the bench. He was about fourteen, and he was looking at the ground. Jayden sat next to him. "Hey, why aren't you getting ready for the egg hunt?" He asked. The boy just shrugged and didn't say anything. Jayden noticed he was fiddling with a black ring on his right middle finger. Jayden knew what that meant, he did the same thing with his folding zord when he was missing his dad. "Is that ring special to you?" He asked. The boy stopped playing with the ring. "Did one of your parents give it to you?" Jayden questioned. The boy gave a small nod. "I'm guessing you're pretty new down at the orphanage huh?" Jayden said. The boy didn't reply, but then again, he hadn't said a word the whole time. "I know how you feel." Jayden told him. "My dad died when I was five." The boy looked up at Jayden. The teen could see that his eyes were almost black, but they had a gold glint to them. The boy put his hand on Jayden's. He then turned Jayden's hand so his palm was facing the sky. He traced a shape on it with his finger. With his training of the Japanese lifestyle, Jayden understood the shape. "Dragon." Jayden said aloud. The boy looked hesitant, but then his look changed, like he'd changed his mind about something. "It's what my mom used to call me." He said in a small voice. "How long ago?" Jayden asked. "Two months." The boy replied. "I know what it's like." Jayden told him. "People think that just because we're rangers, bad things can't happen to us. But, we're human, just like everybody else." The boy looked up at him. "My mom used to say that everything happens for a reason." He said. "So then, what's the reason that she died?" A tear slid down his face. Jayden pulled the boy into a hug. He waited for him to calm down, they way Ji did after he first lost his dad and he had nightmares. When the boy pulled back, he didn't say anything. "My name's Jayden." Jayden said. "I'm Andrew." The boy replied. "Do you have a cell phone Andrew?" Jayden asked. The boy nodded. "I'm not supposed to though." He said. "Don't tell Jane." Jayden chuckled. "I won't." He took Andrew's phone and added himself as a contact. "But I want you to text me if you ever need anything. Ever." He said. "Okay." Andrew told him. Then he frowned. "What?" Jayden questioned. "You don't have a contact picture." Andrew said. Then he stood up. "Put your helmet on." He ordered. Jayden did. Andrew snapped a picture of the ranger and smiled. "I still don't want to do the egg hunt though." He told Jayden. "I feel like I'm kinda old for that. Can I just hang with you?" Jayden smiled. "Sure." Together they walked back to the main area of the park.

It's Hard (A Power Rangers Samurai Fanfic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя