
We were silent on our way home from the hospital. We wouldn't find out my results for another three to five days but I did get the Tetanus shot since Daddy thinks Aubrey might be infected with something, when I know he's not. Aubrey and I are both clean and for the past six months, we've only been with each other. I've been completely faithful and I completely trust that Aubrey has been faithful to me as well. 

My Dad just doesn't understand since he's never had to fight for anything in his life. He's been handed everything throughout his entire life, and it was the same way for me and all of my siblings until I met Aubrey. I didn't think much of him at first but then I realized how much I needed him. I can't live without him. So, I couldn't use money like my Dad does and buy his friends and makes sure he comes out on top every time. I've actually fought for Aubrey in the past because I love him and I'm going to continue fighting for him, whether my Dad likes it or not.

Daddy pulled up into our gated community in Hidden Hills, California, which is in Los Angeles County. My family isn't poor, we've never been. My parents are both successful lawyers for the rich people around here. We actually live in the same gated community that Theodore's parents live in. That's how Theodore and I got so close, actually. We used to hang out back in ninth grade since he only lived a few houses down from me and Aubrey was always over his house so we just started talking. The only way Aubrey and I could meet up was if we went over Theodore's house, and that's how we got so close in the first place.

Daddy pulled up in our driveway and I hopped out of the car before he even put it in park. I didn't want to be around him any longer than I had to, especially after how he did me at the hospital. I just wanted to get away from him and text Aubrey. I know he'll probably be looking to take away my phone but I'm just gonna have to lie about having it. I actually have it. When Aubrey and I met up at Dairy Queen, I put it in my bra and thank God it's on silent. I know Aubrey's probably blowing up my phone but I can't even check it right now. I'm just gonna have to lie to my Dad and say I left it in my car.

Just as I reached out to grab the front door handle, my Dad snatched me back and pulled me behind him. He unlocked the door and walked inside as I followed behind him.

"Lisa! Lisa, where are you at darling?" he yelled as soon as we got into the house.

I sucked my teeth. Why is he dragging my Mom into this? Once she finds out, she won't mind running her mouth to the rest of the family. I looked up and saw my Mom walking down the steps with a horrified expression on her face.

"What the hell is that on your neck Jazmine and why are you bleeding sweetie?"

My Mom walked up to me and tilted my head up by my chin with her pointer finger as she examined the hickies all over my body. She grabbed a hold of the top of my shirt and pulled it back so she could see all that Aubrey had done to me.

"Yeah, you see what that whore is doing while we're thinking she's out at boxing practice? I didn't believe her coach when he called this afternoon and said you haven't been to practice in two weeks but then once I tracked her car, I realized the coach wasn't lying."

My Mom frowned as she stepped away from me and stood next to my Dad. "Where did you track her car?"

"To that ghetto ass Dairy Queen on the south side. I didn't know what she was doing over there but then I saw her laid up in the back of Austin's car having sex with him!"

I scrunched up my face. "We weren't having sex and his name is Aubrey!" I yelled.

"You just be quiet and stop back talking me," My Dad snapped. "I don't give a damn what his name is. He's a ghetto hoodlum in my eyes."

So Far Gone (Urban) Book 8 | The Sideline SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now