"I don't want any excuses from you worthless wretch!" Mohammed showed no mercy in his words.

"Listen to me carefully," he paused "The boss arrives tomorrow and I want him by tonight no matter what or else I'll feed you to the pet tiger alive, do you understand?"

"Y-yes" Lorssen had never been this threatened in his life before.

* * *

CERN Facility, Geneva, 3:03 pm

Lucia is going to flip when she hears this. "Should we let her know?" asked one of the Constable's lieutenants.

"That's all we can do for now. So yes, you can tell her" said Silvestre. He knew how hard it was to accept death. The lieutenant turned around descended into the corridor. He decided to leave the announcement of the unfortunate news to his senior.

* * *

At the same time, Sadowsky stood at the CERN entrance waiting for Lucia. The parking lot had a few police cars, now he had started to wonder if something had really gone wrong.

He wore a baseball cap to cover up his injury; it was a huge cut above his left ear. He didn't want to attract too much attention or suspicion. Someone had died; the police would probably be on his trail by now.

He walked up to a blonde woman dressed in casual wear. "Why are the police here?" to his luck she was British.

"Some poor guy was shot dead in someone's office," she said. Sadowsky wasn't satisfied; he wanted answers to the questions that began popping in his head.

"Who's office?! Do you have any idea?!" he raised his voice. The woman staggered back in disgust "Jesus! What is it with you? I don't know? It's not like I'm The New York Times or something?!" and walked away without looking back.

Sadowsky was now convinced that there was no doubt that the office was Dr.Andreas'. It can't be a coincidence.

* * *

Unknown Hideout, Geneva, 3:05 pm

Lorssen brandished one of his AK-47's. There's no escape this time. One of Lorssen's henchmen armed with an assault rifle arrived from behind and tapped on his shoulder. "We're all done boss, want us to review the plan?"

"Yeah, go through it with your guys" Lorssen said in his commanding tone.

"Yeah just one thing, how many are we supposed to kill?" asked the henchman with his thick Russian accent.

Lorssen sighed; he forgot to mention the main point of the whole mission. "Kill as much as you can but spare this guy." he pulled out a passport sized photo of Professor Benjamin Sadowsky. The henchman brought his eyes closer to the photo.

"Make it look like a terrorist attack on civilians, like you're one of those Middle-East terrorist groups or something and when everyone's blinded, kidnap the Professor." The henchman then nodded his head and turned around. He had a grim smile on his face. This is going to be fun.

* * *

CERN Facility, Geneva, 3:20 pm

"I need to speak with Dr.Lucia, now." Sadowsky pleaded at the front desk office. "I'm afraid she's unavailable sir" replied the receptionist. Her tone indicated that she didn't have any interest in engaging in a conservation with Sadowsky. That he was just a waste of her time.

"It's very important and I really need to see her" said Sadowsky clenching his teeth, trying to contain his anger.

"Sir, I told you before-" the receptionist was cut off by Lucia, who had just rushed into the lobby.

"Professor! It's so good to see you!" she increased her pace towards the Professor and welcomed him with warm hug.

"So what was it that you wanted to tell me?" asked Lucia. Sadowsky's smile disappeared.

"I was wondering whether you had made contact with your father lately," he inquired. He hoped that Lucia would have something.

Lucia was shocked. "That's awkward because I was about to ask you the same thing."

"No one is going to ever make contact with him in the future," announced a new voice which belonged to Silvestre. Lucia looked into the Constable's eyes. Has he been arrested? Sadowsky's thoughts went in a different, darker direction. Is he dead?

Silvestre sighed. "We found his body at the Silver Stars Hotel last night. He had a gunshot wound to his head. We are currently in pursuit of the murderer."

Lucia stood in disbelief as her whole world came spiraling down.

* * *

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