Once the pen looked clean I called Shadow over, she came trotting into the pen, her chains clinking beside her. She came over to me and jumped onto her hindlegs, she put her ginormous paws on my shoulder and her weight pushed me against the cage. She licked my face and went back down to the ground I stroked her head, which came to elbow, she closed her eyes and lent into my hand. I like this werewolf!

After scrubbing out the rest of the dungeon I said goodbye to Shadow, I would probably see her tomorrow, especially if I annoy Josh. I waltzed into his room to find him nowhere, but the dound of the shower filled my ears so I sat down on his bed and waited.

Five minutes gone. Ten Minutes. Twenty five minutes. Jeez how long does the guy shower for? Eventually after forty five minutes he emerged from the steaming bathroom with a towel wrapped round his bottom half and his six pack on full view. He looked at me up and down and said nothing, he just walked over to the mirror to check himself out. Poser.

"I cleaned the whole dungeon, let Shadow run around and I fed her." I said, staring at the back of him, wow... that is a hot rear view, even with the towel on. I saw him smile in the mirror. Damn vampires and their mind reading! Finally he broke the silence.

"Good, hope you've learned your lesson, never talk down to me ever again!" He said, staring at me with serious red eyes. I walked over to him.

"Can I have a shower or something, I look... and smell a mess." I said, smiling. He lifted up my hair and turned me around, I could feel him prodding at my sore neck.

"Nope sorry, your cut still hasn't healed and I don't want it getting infected... Unless you want me to help you shower." He added with a wink. I felt sick come up to my mouth. I mouthed 'I'll pass' at him. He just laughed.  "Which reminds me, I think you're cut may benifit from some more of my blood." I backed away from him,

"It's either you drink it, or I inject it into your system," He said and stalked towards me while I moved backwards. He sighed and yelled, "John! Louis! Get in here!" Immediately two men appeared, one I remember as the one who brought me here, John, the other was younger, about the same age as Josh.

"I need you to hold her down I think she might struggle more today." Josh said and they came towards me. "Needle or drink. Your choice." He said. I shook my head.

"Neither." I said stubbornly. No way was I drinking his blood and he sure as hell wasn't going to stick any needle in me. John and Louis grabbed me and pushed me back onto the bed, they were immediately on the bed with me, holding my body down. Josh appeared with four needle in his hand, they were all filled with red liquid. I started to scream and I managed to put my hands under my body. Josh sighed and Louis tilted me head, exposing my neck.

"You do know Danielle, you have plenty of other veins and arteries in your body, not just in your hands." Josh said and he came forward with the needle. I started to thrash about against their steel locks. I screamed even louder when the needle broke the skin in my neck. I could feel cool liquid pulsing through me. It made me feel sick.

"I'm going to be sick get off me!" I yelled at them, tears spilling from my eyes.

"No you wont." Josh said as he pierced my neck once more with the needle. I could see Louis stuggling to keep my head from moving, every time my neck moved the needle hurt even more. Josh leaned over me more and looked me straight in the eye.

"Stop struggling!" He demanded and my body became limp, I still screamed and cried but I couldn't find the energy to move my body. After the third needle their hands let go of me and Josh pulled me up to a sitting position. He wiped my hair away from my neck and whispered "Sorry" to me, he sent the last needle into my cut. I let out a blood curdling scream and more tears poured out of my eyes. Afterwards he set me back down onto the bed. I was still crying as I looked him in the eyes.

"I hate you!" I said inbetween sobs. He looked so sad then he whispered,

"I  know."

So.. I'm ill, so I decided to write. Thanks for the votes and views overnight it went up loads :') Bloodslaves is now Vampire #473 and Werewolf #824 :D Thanks for viewing - I am going to make a cover soon for the book ;D xxxxxx

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