Chapter Twenty-Four

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 “Let’s make a cake for Hazza! Like a get well card...but edible!” I cheered clapping my hands together.

 “You’ll just end up eating it all before we can even get it in the oven Ni,” Louis scolded.

 “Will not!” I pouted.

 “Come on Lou, it’ll be fun. Don’t you want to see this little guy happy?” Tyler said to Louis, her hands gently cupping his cheeks.

“Fine. But you have to help clean up Ni, Liam will kill us if we make a mess and leave it for him to clean.”

“Hooray!” I cheered feeling overwhelmingly triumphant.

Louis helped me get all the bowls out while Tyler sat perched on the counter kicking her feet slightly.

“So what are you thinking Nialler?” Lou asked me as we gathered all the materials on the counter.

“Cake.” I responded shortly.

“I think he meant what kind of cake love,” Tyler added.

“Ummm, chocolate?” I asked

“Good choice. That’s his favorite.” Louis said as he patted my back. “With chocolate frosting?”

“Is there any other way Lou?! You’re so silly sometimes,” I cooed as I ruffled his hair.

Tyler and Louis began pulling the ingredients out of the cupboards and fridge. I flipped through the pages in our desserts cookbook, finding the cake recipe Harry bookmarked a few years ago.

“Hey, have you guys noticed Hazza acting funny lately?” I asked them. If anyone would know if something was up it would be one, if not both, of them.

“What do you mean Nialler? I mean, he’s always acting funny.” Louis replied smirking.

“I just, the other day I swear he looked jealous or something. And he’s been getting all shy about his body lately, like the other night when I was teasing him about being naked. He’s never had a problem with that before. I mean, the only time I’ve ever seen him like that is when he’s around someone he’s keen on.”

Louis and Tyler just sat there laughing. “He is a bit of a nudist. That is very uncharacteristic of him,” Louis chirped.

“You don’t suppose he fancies someone, do you?” I said excitedly clapping my hands together as Louis dumped the cake mix into the bowl, a puff of powder exploding in his face making him cough. “He does doesn’t he?!” I cheered.

“Come on Ni, you know we can’t tell you that. Even if we do know something you know we couldn’t betray his trust like that...” Tyler teased.

“Oh, come on Ty. I won’t tell anyone. I promise. I’ll pinky promise.” I cooed, batting my eyelashes in the most persuasive way possible.

“Give it up Ni. Not happening.” Louis said.

“Well fine. Then I’m not telling you what I know,” I taunted sticking my tongue out.

Tyler had finished adding the ingredients and began mixing them all together while Louis handed me the cake pan to grease while he began whisking the frosting. I pouted for nearly twenty minutes while we tried to find all the ingredients about how the frosting had to be homemade...there is just no other way.

“Okay’ve gotten it out of me! Liam fancies someone! There I said it!” I huffed.


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