Chapter Four

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Lou placed her down on the bed. As he walked away she and I both thanked him and he gave us each a kiss on the cheek goodnight. “I’ll see you in the morning love bugs!”

“Night Lou!” we said in unison.

“You ready for bed?” I asked her.

“But Haz, I’m all sticky from the hot tub” her face frowning slightly.

“You’re too tired to take a shower on your own, want me to help you?”

“I’m a big girl Harry, I think I can manage a shower on my own.” she seemed offended.

“I just don’t want you slipping and getting hurt, at least let me sit on the counter and make sure you don’t fall?”

“Okay, then you can tell me what made you so upset earlier”

Damn, she was this tired and she still managed to remember that? Seriously? Her memory really was good. “Yeah I suppose.”

I saw her struggling to undress herself. “Come here, let me help.” I said it with some force, she didn’t fight it. I pulled the shirt off over her head and untied the pants, making them fall right down. She turned around and pulled open the shower door. She slid off her underwear and started fumbling with the bra strap. I reached forward and undid it.

As she got in the shower I hopped up on the counter. “So, what’s wrong, you had this weird look earlier?” she asked me.

“Ugh, it’s nothing really I just, well I saw you and Liam being all buddy buddy earlier...I was just kinda...jealous I guess.”

“Aww Haz, you were jealous? Why? You know there will never be anyone who can replace you, no one can even come close!”

“I know I just, well, you always wear my clothes...we always share. I guess I just didn’t like that you borrowed his clothes and not mine. What’s wrong with mine?”

“You had nothing clean and I didn’t just want to go through your drawers?”

“Why not? That is where I happen to keep all the clean clothes.”

“No duh. I just, I don’t know, I didn’t want to go through your stuff. Especially without you in here, without your permission.”

“You can always go through my stuff. You know everything about me. No secrets, no boundaries remember?” I laughed a bit, “It’s not like you would be shocked to find any rude magazines, you know I have them. I might make an attempt to hide them from the boys but I mean, its no secret from you.”

“I just, I’m sorry Haz. If I had known it would have made you this upset I wouldn’t have done it.” She turned the water off and opened the shower door.

I stood up with a towel outstretched in my arms. I walked up and wrapped it around her, hugging her close one I had gotten her all bundled up.

We walked back into my room for her to grab some new clothes. Normally I go commando for bed, Yes, sometimes even when she’s in it....but not like that, but it had been a while since we had seen each other let alone share a bed so I figured I better not. I began stripping down to my boxers as she walked over to find something in her suitcase. When I had gotten down to just boxers I turned around to find her rockin’ her Hello Kitty footie pajamas.

She looked at me with a big smile, both hands behind her back. “Look what I brought!” No way! She didn’t! She handed me the matching pair. We had bought these a few years back just because they looked cool. I pulled them on wearing a huge smile. “Forgive me?” she said looking into my eyes.

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