Chapter Seventeen

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 After Niall and I talked a bit in the hall I decided to see if Ryan was on skype like he suggested. I pulled my laptop out of my bag and started signing in. When I opened skype I didn’t see him, so I decided I would try his cell, see if he answered. The phone rang until I got his voicemail, “Hey Ryan, it’s Ty, just wanted to check in back home and see how everyone is. I miss you so much, can’t wait to see you. Haz is out right now but I’m sure he sends his love. I wish you were here, you would love the boys, they’re great, I’m glad Harry finally found someone to be there for him. Anyways, I’ll try to skype you and Chris later. Lots of love! Bye.”

 I was disappointed he hadn’t answered his phone but atleast I got to hear his voice. I decided I would type up a quick email to him and Chris letting them know how the trip was going. I filled them in on what Harry’s been up to the past year (leaving out the fact he’s gay, that was something Harry would do when he was ready) and told them all about the lads and their girlfriends.

 I can’t explain why I just had a bad feeling about something. Something didn’t feel right.

As I was typing I heard a voice downstairs, “Hello?” they asked.

I got up from my seat on the bed and walked over to the stairs to find Liam.


As I started climbing the stairs, I ran across Tyler in the hall. “Oh hey, Li” she said, “Zayn’s just in the shower and Niall’s taking a quick nap, all that food sampling in the supermarket really wore him out” she giggled.

“So what are you up to, anything good?” I asked.

“Nah, Ryan wasn’t on skype so I was just typing up a quick email to send home, basic update stuff. How was your talk with Danielle?”

I felt my smile fade as a frown took over. I sighed, “It was okay, I just have a lot on my mind, I don’t really want to talk about it.”

 “Okay, I’ll just be in here if you need anything. I was just gonna try my step-dad real quick but maybe after we could watch a movie? Haz told me your favorite’s  Toy Story, we could watch it if you want, I brought the whole trilogy?”

“Yeah sure. That sounds nice. I’ll give you some privacy, just come in when you’re done?”

 “You got it LiLi. I’m sure whatever’s been bugging you will work itself out, just give it time” she smiled back at me as I closed the door to my room.

 I collapsed onto my bed. Just give it timeThat’s all I could hear, replaying in my head. Danielle had said that, “Just give yourself time, time to figure things out, time to sort out what these feelings you have mean. You’ll get through this...” I felt like I was drowning. I can’t take it anymore, I shouldn’t be feeling like this, no matter what anyone says, I know I shouldn’t. I felt the tears slide down my cheeks and into my pillow as I let myself break down. And what if I don’t get through this? What if I never figure out what to do? I can’t be gay, I just can’t. What will people think, what will they say? I just want this all to go away, he will never feel the same way and even if he did, he would never choose me.

 I heard the doorknob turn as Tyler appeared in the doorway. I propped myself up on my forearms as I wiped away the tears, hoping she wouldn’t notice I had been crying. “I thought you were calling your step-dad?”

“Yeah he didn’t answer either. I don’t know, he always answers his phone...” She looked really worried and I couldn’t help but notice this feeling in the pit of my stomach. Something wasn’t right. I bet she just misses them, maybe I’m just feeling homesick for her. “I bet they’re just out to eat or something, they probably just turned their phones off. I’ll just try again later.”

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