Chapter Nine

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 Hazza and I were getting ready for dinner in his room, chatting about the day and laughing as we talked about how Louis had invaded earlier. We heard something in the background as we changed the song we were listening to on his ipod. Harry’s face turned a deep shade of red as he realized what it was. “Uh Haz? Maybe we should turn it up a bit, yeah?”

“I was just thinking the same thing” he said quietly, something didn’t feel quite right, Harry seemed a bit unsettled, hurt even.

We turned the music up a few notches as the light moaning from the other room got louder. Harry and I looked at each other feeling like we were seriously invading their privacy. We both started to rush a bit getting ready, the sooner we headed downstairs the better.

Not long after we heard the shower kick on, but the noises hadn’t stopped, they only died down a bit, being drowned out by the shower. Thank God I thought, At least that made things slightly less awkward. “I guess someone chose a pretty unfortunate time to shower” Harry chuckled uncomfortably. Just as he finished talking the moans had subsided...and not a moment too soon in my opinion.

Hazza and I continued to get ready as we heard some footsteps outside. “Walk of shame...” Harry mumbled looking at me with a childish gleam in his eyes. I smirked back at him, gently hitting his shoulder.

“Haz, stop! Seriously, don’t say anything to either of them, got it! Not unless they say something, there is no need to embarrass them.”

“I know, I know! Geez, I’m not that dull! And besides, it’s not like they can hear me.” I had to give him that, I barely heard him myself.

Not moments later there was a knocking on the door as it opened. Slowly Liam walked in, his head hanging low and looking at the ground. He lifted his head slightly and asked Harry if he could use his shower since Zayn was in the other. Harry agreed, ushering me out the door with him.

We hadn’t bothered to close the door behind us as we left. I caught a glimpse of Liam, sitting at the edge of the bed holding his head in his hands. Harry wrapped his arm around me, lifting my chin. Slowly he mouthed to me, “Did he seem upset to you? Do you think I should go check on him?” I nodded to him.

“I’ll go,” I whispered to Harry, he nodded at me, realizing if he went to talk to Liam he would probably say something he regretted. I backed up slowly, gently knocking at the door frame.

Liam looked up at me, his face a deep shade of pink with tears welling in his eyes, “Uhh Liam? Is everything alright?” He slowly nodded his head back and forth to say ‘no’. I slowly walked over to him, as I did, he motioned for me to close the door, I obliged. I took a seat beside him at the foot of the bed and wrapped my arm around him to console him. I placed my other hand on his knee, gently squeezing to reassure him.

He leaned his head down on my shoulder and slowly turned to look me in the eyes. “Di--did you...umm...did y-you g-guys....ummm...h-h-hear u-us?” He stuttered out shyly, looking back at the ground afraid to see my answer. “P--please d-don’t lie t-to me....I j-just need t-to kn--know” his voice was shaky, he sounded desperate.

I gently nodded my head to tell him. The tears flowed down his cheek as he turned an even brighter shade of pink than before. I wrapped my other arm around him as he nuzzled into my chest, gently sobbing. I rubbed circles in his back to soothe him, kissing his head to let him know everything was okay. “LiLi, you have nothing be ashamed of, you know that right?” he remained unmoving in my arms, “Liam, Li, look at me...please?”

Slowly but surely he lifted his head from his previously sunken position. I ran my hand down the side of his cheek, “It’s okay Liam, no one is judging you, you didn’t do anything wrong, not in the least.”

Hearts on Fire: A Lirry FanficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang