Chapter Two

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The six of us piled out of the car and found a seat at a large booth in the back. Harry took the corner opposite Louis, Tyler sat between Harry and I. She faced Niall with Zayn on the end facing me. Once we ordered we sat around talking about music for a while.

I called over the waitress, “Excuse me, do you think we could get 5 sets of crayons and kids menus to color, please?” The boys always teased me about acting like their dad so I decided to play it up this time.

Tyler grabbed a pack of crayons and began writing some sort of list. I was a bit surprised she hadn’t even questioned why I had gotten them crayons and kids menus.

“What have we got here?” Louis asked her glancing down at the paper.

She replied with clear bitterness in her tone, “You guys get all the good music over here, back in the states we may get some of their music but mostly just the hit songs...” That was adorable I have to admit. She had just played that off exactly how Lou would have, pretending to be more grumpy than she really was. She’s pretty good at that fake pout, maybe I can convince her to teach me since Louis won’t.


Like me, her parents had divorced when she was young, her mum never remarried and ended up a little crazy, she lost custody of the kids when they threw her in the loony bin.

Her dad on the other hand remarried a few years later to a nice man called Chris,(yeah I was thrown for a loop too) he treated the kids as his own, he had even grown quite close to Tyler.

About a year ago, their father passed away. Chris moved the kids back to the states with him after he had found a new job. Gemma and I had flown out to the funeral, Gemma stayed for almost a month but I had only stayed about a week since I had school to get back to.

I hated seeing her so sad, but thats why I couldn’t wait to see her again. We had so much to catch up on and lately, I’d been going crazy over some strange feeling I had started having. I just need something to distract me.

Wow zoned out a bit there. I heard Tyler’s voice as I bounced back to reality.

“ I made a list of all my favorite British artists who the States must have some secret vendetta against” she laughed.

“May I?” Louis asked as she handed him the list. “Let’s see, we’ve got Olly Murs, Passenger, Robbie Williams, Little Mix, You Me at Six (I think I’ve heard of them), Emeli Sande...this is a pretty extensive list, it just goes on forever” Louis smiled at her. “We have definitely got to add a few more names to this list babe! Maybe you can come hang out and listen to music with me in my room one of these nights?”

“You bet Lou! And don’t worry, I will get you hooked on at least one American artist by the time I leave here, you will understand my pain...not being able to get your favorite music in your county.” Louis was laughing, I don’t think he quite believed her. Good luck with that one Louis, you’re gonna need it, I laughed to myself, She is nothing if not persistent!

The waitress brought over the food placing each meal in front of us. Ty giggled as she saw Niall lick his lips, mouth watering at the sight of food. I tried to steal food off of everyone except Niall, I knew from experience that was not a good idea, yet another lesson I had learned the hard way.

I remained unsuccessful until I managed to get some chips off Tyler. Niall eyed the food that she had left untouched. As if reading our minds, she pushed the plate closer to both Niall and I letting us know we could go for it.

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