chapter.13 part1

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Liza POV
I woke at 7:13. Two minutes until my alarm went off. I laid in bed those extra minutes thinking about last night. How could I not?

Our date was perfect. He was perfect. Just everything was really. It surprised me that he actually took the time to plan a proper date with me. I didn't know what to think.

With the thought of Harry and his incredible face stuck in my head, I got up and headed to the bathroom. I took a quick shower then dried my hair before throwing it up into a messed bun. I did a natural eye color and put a single coat of mascara on my lashes.

I went to my closet and pulled out a periwinkle cropped sweater and white jeans, slipping on my white suede heel boots. I put on some rings, earrings, and a watch, making sure my necklace was on, and was out my door and hurrying down the steps. 7:58. Twenty minutes to get to school. Great.
I grabbed an apple along with a water bottle and my backpack and was out the door only to find Mother sitting in the car waiting for me, like she is every morning.
I got to school ten minutes late. I cannot stand walking in to class late. But at least it's only home room, not too big of a deal.

I went to the admin office to get a pass then was on my way. I walked in and handed Mr.Banks my pass before making my way to my seat in a haste. Julie smiled at me and rolled her eyes.

"Never thought I'd see the day that you would be late to class." She laughed.

"I got a little distracted this morning." I said looking down at my nails, they were a pale yellow.

"Speaking of, how was the date?" she asked. I swear she was almost smirking at me.

I turned my head slightly and glanced over my shoulder to find Harry already looking at me. I quickly turned away, feeling the blush on my face. "It was really great actually." I couldn't help the smile on my face.

"Well, well. Seems like lover boy is stepping up his game." she gave me a wink and climbed out of her seat and walked off to talk to Jennie, the girl two rows ahead of us.

"This seat taken?" I look up to see the emerald eyes staring back at me, a smile on his face.

I shook my head no.

He sat down and looked at me before speaking again. I took the time to look him over as well. There is absolutely no denying how fit the guy is. It's insane.

"I'm really glad you went out with me last night." he took my hand in his and rubbed over the back with his thumb. "I was wondering if you'd like to come to mine after school?"

He sounded nervous.

"Yea, I'd love to." I had to bite my lip to contain the smile.

"Fantastic. I'll meet you outside your last period then." He kissed my cheek then walked back to his seat before grabbing his bag, waving goodbye to Mr.Banks and shooting me a wink before exiting the class.

"What in the actual fuck." I whispered to myself before throwing my head back.
"Seriously, who does the guy think he is?" Sam says as we sit at our table eating lunch. "He just randomly shows interest in you and expects you to drop everything to go out with him? Yea, right." He scuffed before shaking his head and looking at his food, shoving it around the tray with a fork.

"Well I mean, she kinda is." Julie says. She looks at me," You kinda are. I mean the first night he asked you, you said yes. And even after he stood you up you still went out with him. Now you're clearing your after school schedule to go to his with him after class."

"You're doing what?" Sam nearly chocked on his food at that one.

"You guys don't get it. He's different when it's just us. He's just... I don't know, Juls. But it feels good." I say, shrugging my shoulders with a small smile on my face.
I walk out of my last class only to find Harry leaned against the wall opposite the door. He pushes himself off and approaches me.

"How was class?" He asked, putting his hand on my lower back then leading me towards my locker.

Once there I opened it and grabbed my notebooks as well as a few of my textbooks.

"Here, let me take those." he took my books. "So, how's your day been?" He glanced back at me and shot me a smile.

I shake my head in disbelief of what is happening, a small laugh escaping. "It's been good I guess, what about you?" I say as I hold the door open for him seeing as his hands are full of my books.

"It's been okay. About to get a whole lot better though." He smiled at me then lead the way to his car where he opened my door and set the books on the floor then proceeded to help me get into the SUV.

I can't believe what is happening.

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