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"There are people I no longer want to associate with, by that I mean I don't want to sit in hour long lessons with certain people staring at me and making me uncomfortable. I don't want to walk through my school halls knowing certain people are following me and watching what I am doing or where I am going. It makes me uncomfortable and unhappy and I do not want it anymore, Dr. Blake." I say in one breath, about ready to rip my hair out at the thought of him.

"Elizabe- Eliza, is everything alright?" she questions, leaning forward in her chair.

"I believe I've reached my breaking point, Dr. Blake."
Elizabeth Reed Jacobs. Diagnosed depression, anxiety, ocd. Self harm. Previous eating and drinking disorder. Psychiatric state... unstable.
Elizabeth Jacobs is just a normal girl who has a bad past.

Harry Styles is just the typical, bad ass, womanizer.

But what happens when they both reach their breaking point?

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