chapter. 3

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"I'm serious, Liz. Can I call you Liz?" she says curiously to me and I laugh a little.

"Sure." I don't think I have laughed this much in one day since before the incident. 

"So after this you have English. Do you think you'll be alright on your own?" she asks me about ifve minutes before the class bell. I nod my head, yes, and she smiles. "I'll meet you in the front of the cafeteria at lunch too, so you won't have to face the whole thing alone." she smiles at me just as the bell rings. We grab our bags and walk towards the door.


I grab the door handle and gently pull it open.  Everyone in the class turns their head to face me.

"Is this, Mr. Adams compsition and literature class?" I ask once I close the door.

"Ah, you must be our new student. Elizabeth Jacobs. Am I right?" he asks taking his glasses off and looking over at me.

"Yea, that's me. I usually just go bye Eliza though." I say shyly.

"Well Eliza, please take a seat next to..." his eyes wander around the room, same as mine, looking for an open seat. " Next to Mr. Mullins." I look around and see a blonde boy waving his hand and motioning me over. I walk around the room, with my head down and facing the floor. 

I take my seat next to this Mullins character.

I wonder if that's his first name. That's a weird first name. I wonder if he thinks it's weird as well. His parents must hate him if they did that to him. He was probably an unplanned pregnancy. Like a teen pregnancy or something of that sort. He probably doesn't get-

My thoughts are inturrupted when a hand is extended towards me.

"I'm Sam." he smiles.

So Mullins is the last name.

"Eliza." I shake his hand and return his smile with a smaller one.

"You knew? Never seen you before." he whispers. 

"Yea, I live on the other side of town. I just transffered schools this year." I explain not really wanting to share the reason as to why after alomst sixteen years of living in this town I decide to go to school on the opposite end. 

"That's cool." he smiles.

Nice smile. Straight teeth, pretty eyes too. Maybe he was planned. He was probably genetically enginered with those eyes, because no way in hell those are inherited.

"You meet Juls yet?" he asks me after about five minutes of us not talking.

"Julie? Really peppy nice hair and pretty eyes?" I ask.

"That's Juls." he laughs. "She's my sister." he tells me.

Explains why he's so pretty. 

"She's nice. Very nice." I nod my head.

"Yea, she's the better of the two siblings." he smiles. "So you're a junior?"

"Sophomore." I correct.

"How are you in this class. It's hard enough for juniors to get in." he gawks.

"I'm a good writer I guess." I chuckle.

"Obviously." he laughed along. "So you're sixteen?"

"Fifteen. I'll be sixteen in November." I say looking back up to the teacher as he is finishing a lecture on how pens are preferred to pencils. I completly agree.

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