chapter.15 part2

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An Eliza's outfit on polyvore:)

Eliza POV

I feel trashy.

I'm wearing a pair of white jeans with rips all along the whole thing, and a black crop top that Julie let me use. I paired it with black heels and my white band Kate Spade watch. I put on some jewelry and left my makeup natural, with my hair down in slight waves. 

I've never worn a shirt that is so short.

"You're going to drive Harry mad." Julie laughs from where she sits on her bed, lacing up her booties.

"Mad with rage at how much skin is showing. He asked me this morning to not show so much, and I really don't want to fight with him." I saw looking at myself in the full length mirror, biting on my lip.

"Are you kidding? SAM! Come here a moment brother." she calls. He walks in to the room and looks at her expectantly. "Tell Liz she looks good, will you?" she says nonchalantly.

I see him look at me out of my peripheral. "Uh, wow. Uhm. You look, uh." he stumbles over his words.

"Fucks sake Sam, just leave." Juls laughs to herself at her brother's inability to speak. "We're leaving in five." she calls out to him. 

"This better be twenty times better than the last one you made me go to." I told her, looking at my reflection on last time before we left.
"Do you want me to help you find Harry?" Julie yelled over the music as we walked through the house.

"Uhm yea. Maybe we can find his friend Niall too!" I answered excitedly.

After walking through the house, we find Harry in the kitchen, his back towards us, talking to some guy.

I walk up behind him and poke his side. He turns to look at me and smiles, moving his arm to wrap around my shoulders and pull me into his side.

"Hi." he says, placing a kiss on my forehead before leaning down to peck my lips. "I was wondering when you were gonna get here."

"I couldn't find anything to wear, we had to search through Julie's closet for an hour." I laughed, resting my hand on his chest.

"Oh! Speaking of. Niall, mate. This is Elizabeth. Liz, this is Niall." he smiles sweetly at me as he introduced me. I put my hand out to shake and give a friendly smile.

"Ya bring that friend 'a yours?" he asks, taking a sip of the beer in his hand.

"Yes, actually. Juls!" I called her over from where the drinks were. She walked over with two in her hand, giving me my fruity, vodka beverage and keeping hers. "Julie, Niall. Niall, Julie." I say, gesturing between the two with my cup.

Needless to say they hit it off, quickly disappearing.

"Wanna go somewhere quiet?" he asked looking down at me. I nod my head, smiling back at him.

He grabs my hand and pulls me behind him, keeping a tight grip and checking back frequently to make sure I was keeping up closely.
"So! I'm your girl, eh?" I laughed from my spot on top of the pool table. Harry currently stood between my legs, his right hand resting on my thighs.

"Yeah you're my girl." he cooed, running his hand up my leg and stepping closer to me.

"Hazzy, how much have you had to drink?" I asked him, setting my drink down beside me. I rested my hand on his neck, running my thumb against his cheek slowly.

This beer is his third since I got here twenty minutes ago. Who knows how much he consumed before I even got here.

"Uhm, a couple beers, a couple shots, a couple other stuff." he shrugged.

"Think you're done for tonight?" I asked, rubbing his shoulders. He nodded his head, before leaning his forehead against mine.

"Think I just need one more thing and then I can call it a night." he nodded his head. His hand rested on my face, pushing my hair back with the other. "You look really good tonight Liza." he hummed.

"Yeah? You like it? I didn't know if you would." I said, looking down at my top real quick.

"Bloody fantastic, love." he breathed out.

He looks into my eyes for a moment, glancing down at my lips briefly. Then, surprisingly, I leaned in to kiss him.

His hands gripped my waist, pulling me closer. His lips attacking mine, my hands tangled in his hair. He moaned into the kiss, my legs wrapped around his waist.

"Liz! Are you down here?" I could hear Julie at the top of the stairs that led to the basement, where Harry and I currently were.

"If we ignore her she might go away." he whispered, kissing down my neck and across my collar bones.

"Hmm." I hummed out lightly while rolling my lips together, tugging on his hair lightly.

I could hear her heels against the stairs, but before I could pull away from Harry she had already reached the bottom.

"Hm, so I see I interrupted something." she smirked, setting her hand on her hip.

"No, what's up?" I asked, pushing my hair behind my ear. My arms around Harry's shoulders, my legs still locked around his waist. He had his right arm around my waist and his left hand on my thigh as we looked at Juls, waiting for her to talk.

"My parents just texted that they're coming home early and will be home within the hour." she said anxiously.

"Crap. Go find Sam, I'll meet you at the car in five." I smiled at her, nodding my head. She smiled back before making her way up the stairs and closing the door behind her.

"Sorry Hazzy." I sighed. "But looks like I gotta go."

"Thank you for coming tonight, love." he smiled at me, pushing hair out of my face. "Let me walk you out."

He helped me off the table, then led the way up the steps and out to the car. He kissed my lips before promising to text me tomorrow then walking back into the house after giving my hands a squeeze.

Sam honked the horn as I stood there, watching him walk away. I sighed to myself as I turned back to the car. I slowly climbed in and Sam sped off back to the house.
We made it back to the house with fifteen minutes to spare. Just enough time to get our make up off and change into pajamas before Julie's mom busted into the room thinking she was going to catch something.

Even better, Harry texted me not even an hour later, letting me know he had made it home safely and that he was all tucked in bed.

I guess my past really didn't scare him away.

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