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Eliza POV
Harry ended up leaving about an hour and a half after he showed up at my house. I asked him to order me a pizza to make up for him standing me up, which didn't take much convincing.

I was home alone the rest of the night after that. I heard mother come home at around one in the morning. She's always coming home at odd hours because of her job. I didn't mind though, it never really bothered me. She always made an effort to take me to and from school, so I never was bothered when she wouldn't be home at night.
I woke up this morning debating on going to school or staying in bed all day. After a good twenty minutes I decided to just suck it up. So now here I am, standing in front of my locker waiting for Julie.

"Liz!" I hear Julie yell from down the hall. I laugh at her as she picks up her pace.

"Hey Juls." I smile at her as she engulfs me in a hug the second she reaches me.

"How are you? Are you okay? Sammy told me you had a panic attack or something?" She rushes out while hugging me harder then standing back and keeping her hands on my shoulders.

"I'm good, Juls." I laugh a little at her extreme care for me.

"That's good. We were worried about you." she smiled at me then slung her arm around my shoulders and hauled me towards class.

We walk in to class and take our usual seats towards the back. For the next twenty minutes or so we sit and just chat. Every so often I glance over to where Harry is sat, attempting to be slick but failing miserably. He knows I'm looking at him, every time I do I see a slight smirk on his perfect face then he shakes his head and that breathtaking smile appears.

I honestly don't know what changed between us. He was just so different. He was kind and gentle. I never expected him to have such a soft side. I also never imagined he would smell as amazing as he does. But those minutes I spent crying with my head buried in his chest, I've never felt so safe while crying.

He told me a lot about him and his family afterwards while we just sat around. He and his parents moved here the summer before last year. His sister just graduated college in London and has an apartment there so he doesn't see her as much anymore. He seems to be big on family, which is something I never would have expected. He admitted to me that yes, he was quite a player last school year and during the summer. But he claims to have turned over a new leaf, starting with me.

I feel my phone vibrate in my back pocket so I look down and pull it out. I begin to slowly tune out Julie's rambling about how absurd it is that no guy likes her, when I see who texted me. Harry.

-You should take a picture, love. It lasts longer ;)

I shake my head while laughing and typing a reply.

-What makes you think I'm staring??

- I never said you were sweetheart, just thought you'd like to have one is all

- Such a flirt

- only for you;)

My jaw falls open in shock. I hear Julie calling my name and look over to her.

"What? Sorry." I say. She looks at me weirdly then down at my phone.

"Are you texting Harry Styles?" She whispers harshly.


She takes my phone from me and reads the few messages. "What the hell have you gotten yourself in to?"

And right on cue the bell rings for next period.

An: I'm so sorry, again, for the long wait!! I know it's short but I didn't want this to go further and have to cut it at a weird point, you know?

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