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Play the song attached when I say to:) I tried to time it as well as possible!!

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Play the song attached when I say to:) I tried to time it as well as possible!!

Eliza POV
About a month later...

Today is Thursday. There are only more two days until Homecoming and I'm sad to say that Harry hasn't asked me. I'm not even sure if I'd even want to go. But I assumed my boyfriend would at least ask me to.

My appointment with Dr.Blake yesterday didn't go so well. She seems to think I'm running away from my problems by "creating a whole new life where no one knows about my true self". But she's wrong. Harry knows. Julie and Sam know I get panic attacks, they just don't know the length or that I'm on meds for my depression.

But Harry knows. He knows everything.

"So he really hasn't asked you yet?" Julie asks as we walk to a table outside.

It's been raining all week so we decided to take the opportunity to sit in the sun today.

"Nope. And I honestly don't know how to feel about it."

"What'd you mean?"

"I mean, I'm not really sure if I even want to go. Dances aren't really my thing and if he hasn't asked me yet, I doubt he even will." I simply shrug, taking a bite of my sandwich.

"I'm sure he will! How could he not, I mean you guys have quickly become like the cutest couple in school." she says excitedly.

"Which I'm not too happy about. I don't really like the attention. But how could we not draw attention when half of us is him."

"Liz you're kidding right?" I shake my head no. "Do you even realize that you have achieved something no other girl here has? You domesticated Harry fucking Styles! You made him a one-woman man!"

I shrug again. Not really understand where she's going with this.

"Finish your sandwich." she says, looking behind me. "Liz I'm serious finish it right now and fast."

I look at her quizzically before quickly finishing the last two bites, wiping my hands on my napkin.

"What is wrong with you?" I ask before taking a drink from my water bottle.


I turn around when I here my voice.


The girl looks behind her at the group of people before giving a thumbs up.

*play song now*

Beautiful Soul by Jessie McCartney starts playing on the loud speaker. I look back to Julie confused.

I turn back around. A girl is in front of me, holding out a pink rose. I slowly take it from her.

After about thirty seconds another girl comes out with a white rose. After each person, thirty seconds go by before another appears.

Guys, girls, cool kids and not so cool. They'd give me the flower, smile then step to the side. I looked back at Julie, confused.

"What's going on?" I ask her.

She shrugs her shoulders, not knowing what I'm talking about.

The little sneak.

I turn around to see people still approaching with flowers. At this time both of my hands are holding dozens of pink and white roses.

I'm so confused.

This continues and I just keep wondering what the hell is going on.

Could this be it? Is this really how Harry is going to ask me to Homecoming?

If it is then bravo to him because this is amazing.

The last person steps up, hands me their flower then walks to the side. I look at all of them expectantly, wondering what now.

I stand there for a moment as others are staring at me, recording on their cell phones and whispering to others.

All at once everyone turns their head to the other end of the quad.

There stood Harry with at least another dozen roses, smiling wide. He walks forward. Taking his sweet time as the song continues to play.

"I don't want another pretty face, I don't want just anyone to hold, I don't want my love to go to waste. I want you and your beautiful soul. You're the one I wanna chase, you're the one I wanna hold.  I won't let another minute go to waste, I want you and you're beautiful soul." Harry sings along into a microphone.

Oh my god.

He takes the last few steps to me and the song cuts off.

*stop song here lol*

He brings the mic up between us, looking directly at me, smiling.

"Lizzy. I know I've waited until completely last minute. But I would love it if you, and your beautiful soul,-" he laughs at his little joke, " would go to Homecoming with me."

I nod my head smiling. I can't help but laugh as well. He smiles back, leaning down and kissing me before pulling me into a hug.

Everyone claps and whistles, cheering at the scene that just played out.

" I can't believe you planned that." I said in amazement after pulling away.

"I'd do anything for you Liz."

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