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Eliza POV

Monday morning rolled around and I was honestly still dreading seeing the asshole. I don't see why I was and am so worked up over the whole event on Friday night. But i am and that's all that matters. I'm dreading homeroom. Even though I sit next to Julie and don't really have to look at him. 

I know I might be blowing this out of proportion and I know this makes no sense for me to blow this out of proportion. But the fact is, I don't know what to do. I've never been in a situation like this and it's so weird. I need to see Dr.Blake. I can't talk to Julie about it because she has already told me to stay away from him. I should have listened to her. But no. I had to talk to him during gym, had to get cornered at my locker by him, had to go to his party, had to talk to him at his party, and had to look when I knew exactly what was happening. 

I basically drug myself into this situation and I hate myself for it. I should have listened to Juls and I should have had better judgment about it. I guess I could always just ignore, ignore, and ignore. That's what I have to do. That's what I will do.


"Liza!" Julie said as she approached me at my locker. "How was your weekend?" 

"Boring, didn't do much." I said as I closed my locker and turned to her. 

"Well what do you have planned this weekend?" she said as she pulled her chap-stick out and put some on.

"Nothing I know of. Why?"

"Well I was thinking about going shopping and I was thinking you could come with me." she offered with a warm smile on her face. 

"I think I'm free Saturday." I say as we begin to walk to homeroom.

We get in class and go to our seats. The bell rings and the teacher goes behind her desk everyone starts talking with their friends or doing last minute homework. But as normal, Julie gossiped to me about all the shit she knew about everyone. It's crazy really, how much she knows and how eager she is to share everything with me. I suppose that's what having a friend is like. Sharing all the dirty secrets you know and telling each other everything.

It was about twenty minutes into homeroom, Julie was deep into telling me about how many girls she saw puke their guts out at the party, when the door opened. I turned quickly to see who it was. I saw him. In a red flannel. collar up, hair pushed back and those tight jeans. He sees me look at him and there's that smirk again. I look down and turn back to Julie, giving her my full attention.

After another ten minutes the bell range. Julie and I grabbed our bags and went our seperate ways in the hall. I'm walking to gym when someone pulls my arm and pulls me in between two sets of lockers. In just two seconds I'm stuck between a locker and Harry Styles. Not exactly what I need rightnow.

"Do you mind?" I say trying to get away but he won't let go of my arm.

"I do mind actually. I want to take you somewhere." he said looking in my eyes.

"And I want to marry Channing Tatum, but that's not going to happen. So bye Harry." I say trying to get away again.

"No." he said pulling me back and putting his other arm up to block me from getting away. 

"I'm trying to get to class. I would like to actually graduate." I say bitterly.

"Just stop and agree then I'll let you go." he said getting closer. 

"No. Now move." I said looking straight at him.

"I'm sorry." he said, his face softening.

"For what?" I said trying to move but he wouldn't budge.

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